

Module for describing the detection of transmitted waves and different detector types.


AnnularDetector(inner, outer[, offset, ...])

The annular detector integrates the intensity of the detected wave functions between an inner and outer radial integration limits, i.e. over an annulus.

BaseDetector([to_cpu, url])

Base detector class.

FlexibleAnnularDetector([step_size, inner, ...])

The flexible annular detector allows choosing the integration limits after running the simulation by binning the intensity in annular integration regions.

PixelatedDetector([max_angle, resample, ...])

The pixelated detector records the intensity of the Fourier-transformed exit wave function, i.e. the diffraction patterns.

SegmentedDetector(nbins_radial, ...[, ...])

The segmented detector covers an annular angular range, and is partitioned into several integration regions divided to radial and angular segments.

WavesDetector([to_cpu, url])

Detect the complex wave functions.