Source code for abtem.measurements

"""Module for describing abTEM measurement objects."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import itertools
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Sequence, Type, TypeVar

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
from ase import Atom
from ase.cell import Cell
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from numba import jit, prange

from abtem.array import ArrayObject, stack
from abtem.core import config
from abtem.core.axes import (
from abtem.core.backend import asnumpy, cp, get_array_module, get_ndimage_module
from abtem.core.complex import abs2
from import energy2wavelength
from abtem.core.fft import fft_crop, fft_interpolate
from abtem.core.grid import (
from abtem.core.units import _get_conversion_factor, _validate_units
from abtem.core.utils import (
from abtem.distributions import BaseDistribution
from abtem.noise import NoiseTransform, ScanNoiseTransform
from abtem.visualize.visualizations import Visualization
from abtem.visualize.widgets import ImageGUI, LinesGUI, ScatterGUI

# Enables CuPy-accelerated functions if it is available.
if cp is not None:
    from abtem.core._cuda import interpolate_bilinear as interpolate_bilinear_cuda
    from abtem.core._cuda import sum_run_length_encoded as sum_run_length_encoded_cuda
    sum_run_length_encoded_cuda = None
    interpolate_bilinear_cuda = None

    from abtem.waves import BaseWaves

# Ensures that `Measurement` objects created by `Measurement` objects retain their type (e.g. `Images`).
T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseMeasurements")

def _scanned_measurement_type(
    measurement: BaseMeasurements | BaseWaves,
) -> Type["BaseMeasurements"]:
    if len(_scan_shape(measurement)) == 1:
        return RealSpaceLineProfiles

    elif len(_scan_shape(measurement)) == 2:
        return Images

        return MeasurementsEnsemble

def _bin_extent(n):
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return -n // 2 - 0.5, n // 2 - 0.5
        return -n // 2 + 0.5, n // 2 + 0.5

# def _move_scan_axes_to_back(measurement):
#     ensemble_axes = tuple(range(len(measurement.ensemble_shape)))
#     source = _scan_axes(measurement)
#     destination = tuple(range(len(ensemble_axes) - len(source), len(ensemble_axes)))
#     if source != destination:
#         measurement = moveaxis(measurement, source, destination)
#     return measurement

def _reduced_scanned_images_or_line_profiles(
) -> RealSpaceLineProfiles | Images | MeasurementsEnsemble | np.ndarray:
    if metadata is None:
        metadata = {}

    metadata = {**old_measurement.metadata, **metadata}

    ensemble_axes = tuple(range(len(old_measurement.ensemble_shape)))

    source = _scan_axes(old_measurement)
    destination = tuple(range(len(ensemble_axes) - len(source), len(ensemble_axes)))
    scan_axes_metadata = [old_measurement.ensemble_axes_metadata[i] for i in source]

    ensemble_axes_metadata = [
        for i, m in enumerate(old_measurement.ensemble_axes_metadata)
        if i not in source

    if source != destination:
        xp = get_array_module(new_array)
        if old_measurement.is_lazy:
            new_array = da.moveaxis(new_array, source, destination)
            new_array = xp.moveaxis(new_array, source, destination)

    if len(scan_axes_metadata) == 1:
        sampling = scan_axes_metadata[-1].sampling

        return RealSpaceLineProfiles(

    elif len(scan_axes_metadata) == 2:
        sampling = (

        images = Images(

        return images
    elif _scanned_measurement_type(old_measurement) is MeasurementsEnsemble:
        ensemble_axes_metadata = old_measurement.ensemble_axes_metadata

        measurement_ensemble = MeasurementsEnsemble(
        return measurement_ensemble
        return new_array

def _scan_axes(measurement):
    num_scan_axes = 0
    scan_axes = ()
    for i, axis in enumerate(measurement.ensemble_axes_metadata):
        if num_scan_axes == 2:

        if isinstance(axis, ScanAxis) and axis._main is True:
            scan_axes += (i,)
            num_scan_axes += 1

    scan_axes = scan_axes[-2:]

    return scan_axes

def _scan_sampling(measurements):
    return tuple(
        measurements.axes_metadata[i].sampling for i in _scan_axes(measurements)

def _scan_axes_metadata(measurements):
    return [measurements.axes_metadata[i] for i in _scan_axes(measurements)]

def _scan_shape(measurements):
    return tuple(measurements.shape[i] for i in _scan_axes(measurements))

def _scan_area_per_pixel(measurements):
    if len(_scan_sampling(measurements)) == 2:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot infer pixel area from axes metadata.")

def _scan_extent(measurement):
    extent = ()
    for n, metadata in zip(_scan_shape(measurement), _scan_axes_metadata(measurement)):
        extent += (metadata.sampling * n,)
    return extent

def _annular_detector_mask(
    gpts: tuple[int, int],
    sampling: tuple[float, float],
    inner: float,
    outer: float,
    offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
    fftshift: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]:
    kx, ky = spatial_frequencies(
        gpts, (1 / sampling[0] / gpts[0], 1 / sampling[1] / gpts[1]), False, xp

    k2 = kx[:, None] ** 2 + ky[None] ** 2

    bins = (k2 >= inner**2) & (k2 < outer**2)

    if np.any(np.array(offset) != 0.0):
        offset = (
            int(round(offset[0] / sampling[0])),
            int(round(offset[1] / sampling[1])),

        # if (abs(offset[0]) > bins[0]) or (abs(offset[1]) > bins[1]):
        #     raise RuntimeError("Detector offset exceeds maximum detected angle.")

        bins = np.roll(bins, offset, (0, 1))

    if fftshift:
        bins = xp.fft.fftshift(bins)

    return bins

def _polar_detector_bins(
    gpts: tuple[int, int],
    sampling: tuple[float, float],
    inner: float,
    outer: float,
    nbins_radial: int,
    nbins_azimuthal: int,
    rotation: float = 0.0,
    offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
    fftshift: bool = False,
    return_indices: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]:
    alpha, phi = polar_spatial_frequencies(
        gpts, sampling=(1 / sampling[0] / gpts[0], 1 / sampling[1] / gpts[1])
    phi = (phi - rotation) % (2 * np.pi)

    radial_bins = -np.ones(gpts, dtype=int)
    valid = (alpha >= inner) & (alpha < outer)

    radial_bins[valid] = nbins_radial * (alpha[valid] - inner) / (outer - inner)

    angular_bins = np.floor(nbins_azimuthal * (phi / (2 * np.pi)))
    angular_bins = np.clip(angular_bins, 0, nbins_azimuthal - 1).astype(int)

    bins = -np.ones(gpts, dtype=int)
    bins[valid] = angular_bins[valid] + radial_bins[valid] * nbins_azimuthal

    if np.any(np.array(offset) != 0.0):
        offset = (
            int(round(offset[0] / sampling[0])),
            int(round(offset[1] / sampling[1])),

        # if (abs(offset[0]) > bins[0]) or (abs(offset[1]) > bins[1]):
        #     raise RuntimeError("Detector offset exceeds maximum detected angle.")

        bins = np.roll(bins, offset, (0, 1))

    if fftshift:
        bins = np.fft.fftshift(bins)

    if return_indices:
        indices = []
        for i in label_to_index(bins, nbins_radial * nbins_azimuthal - 1):
        return indices
        return bins

@jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True, parallel=True)
def _sum_run_length_encoded(array, result, separators):
    for x in prange(result.shape[1]):  # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
        for i in range(result.shape[0]):
            for j in range(separators[x], separators[x + 1]):
                result[i, x] += array[i, j]

def _interpolate_stack(array, positions, mode, order, **kwargs):
    map_coordinates = get_ndimage_module(array).map_coordinates
    xp = get_array_module(array)

    positions_shape = positions.shape
    positions = positions.reshape((-1, 2))

    old_shape = array.shape
    array = array.reshape((-1,) + array.shape[-2:])
    array = xp.pad(array, ((0, 0), (2 * order,) * 2, (2 * order,) * 2), mode=mode)

    positions = positions + 2 * order
    output = xp.zeros((array.shape[0], positions.shape[0]), dtype=array.dtype)

    for i in range(array.shape[0]):
        map_coordinates(array[i], positions.T, output=output[i], order=order, **kwargs)

    output = output.reshape(old_shape[:-2] + positions_shape[:-1])
    return output

[docs] class BaseMeasurements(ArrayObject, EqualityMixin, CopyMixin, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for all measurement types. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Array containing data of type `float` or ´complex´. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional Metadata associated with an ensemble axis. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining simulation metadata. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict, ): super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property @abstractmethod def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list: """List of AxisMetadata of the base axes.""" pass @property def metadata(self) -> dict: """Metadata describing the measurement.""" return self._metadata def _get_from_metadata(self, key): if key not in self.metadata.keys(): raise RuntimeError(f"{key} not in measurement metadata.") return self.metadata[key] def _check_is_complex(self): if not np.iscomplexobj(self.array): raise RuntimeError("Function not implemented for non-complex measurements.")
[docs] def real(self) -> T: """Returns the real part of a complex-valued measurement.""" self._check_is_complex() self.metadata["label"] = "real" self.metadata["units"] = "arb. unit" return self._apply_element_wise_func(get_array_module(self.array).real)
[docs] def imag(self) -> T: """Returns the imaginary part of a complex-valued measurement.""" self._check_is_complex() self.metadata["label"] = "imaginary" self.metadata["units"] = "arb. unit" return self._apply_element_wise_func(get_array_module(self.array).imag)
[docs] def phase(self) -> T: """Calculates the phase of a complex-valued measurement.""" self._check_is_complex() self.metadata["label"] = "phase" self.metadata["units"] = "rad." return self._apply_element_wise_func(get_array_module(self.array).angle)
[docs] def abs(self) -> T: """Calculates the absolute value of a complex-valued measurement.""" # self._check_is_complex() self.metadata["label"] = "amplitude" self.metadata["units"] = "arb. unit" return self._apply_element_wise_func(get_array_module(self.array).abs)
[docs] def intensity(self) -> T: """Calculates the squared norm of a complex-valued measurement.""" self._check_is_complex() self.metadata["label"] = "intensity" self.metadata["units"] = "arb. unit" return self._apply_element_wise_func(abs2)
[docs] def relative_difference( self, other: BaseMeasurements, min_relative_tol: float = 0.0 ) -> T: """ Calculates the relative difference with respect to another compatible measurement. Parameters ---------- other : BaseMeasurements Measurement to which the difference is calculated. min_relative_tol : float Avoids division by zero errors by defining a minimum value of the divisor in the relative difference. Returns ------- difference : BaseMeasurements The relative difference as a measurement of the same type. """ difference = self - other xp = get_array_module(self.array) valid = xp.abs(self.array) >= min_relative_tol * self.array.max() difference._array[valid] /= self.array[valid] difference._array[valid == 0] = np.nan difference._array *= 100.0 difference.metadata["label"] = "Relative difference" difference.metadata["units"] = "%" difference.metadata["tex_units"] = "$\%$" return difference
[docs] def normalize_ensemble(self, scale: str = "max", shift: str = "mean"): """ Normalize the ensemble by shifting ad scaling each member. Parameters ---------- scale : {'max', 'min', 'sum', 'mean', 'ptp'} shift : {'max', 'min', 'sum', 'mean', 'ptp'} Returns ------- normalized_measurements : BaseMeasurements or subclass of _BaseMeasurement """ if shift != "none": array = self.array - getattr(np, shift)(self.array, axis=-1, keepdims=True) else: array = self.array array = array / getattr(np, scale)(self.array, axis=-1, keepdims=True) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) return self.__class__(array, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict ) -> "T": pass
[docs] def reduce_ensemble(self) -> "T": """Calculates the mean of an ensemble measurement (e.g. of frozen phonon configurations).""" axis = tuple( i for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes_metadata) if hasattr(axis, "_ensemble_mean") and axis._ensemble_mean ) if len(axis) == 0: return self return self.mean(axis=axis)
def _apply_element_wise_func(self, func: callable) -> "T": d = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) d["array"] = func(self.array) return self.__class__(**d) @property @abstractmethod def _area_per_pixel(self): pass
[docs] def poisson_noise( self, dose_per_area: float | Sequence[float] | None = None, total_dose: float | Sequence[float] | None = None, samples: int = 1, seed: int = None, ): """ Add Poisson noise (i.e. shot noise) to a measurement corresponding to the provided 'total_dose' (per measurement if applied to an ensemble) or 'dose_per_area' (not applicable for single measurements). Parameters ---------- dose_per_area : float, optional The irradiation dose [electrons per Å:sup:`2`]. total_dose : float, optional The irradiation dose per diffraction pattern. samples : int, optional The number of samples to draw from a Poisson distribution. If this is greater than 1, an additional ensemble axis will be added to the measurement. seed : int, optional Seed the random number generator. Returns ------- noisy_measurement : BaseMeasurements or subclass of _BaseMeasurement The noisy measurement. """ wrong_dose_error = RuntimeError( "Provide one of 'dose_per_area' or 'total_dose'." ) if (dose_per_area is not None) and (total_dose is not None): raise RuntimeError("Provide one of 'dose_per_area' or 'total_dose'.") dose_axes_metadata = None if dose_per_area is not None: if np.isscalar(dose_per_area): total_dose = self._area_per_pixel * dose_per_area else: total_dose = self._area_per_pixel * np.array( dose_per_area, dtype=np.float32 ) dose_axes_metadata = NonLinearAxis( label="Dose", values=tuple(dose_per_area), units="e/Å^2" ) elif total_dose is not None: if dose_per_area is not None: raise wrong_dose_error else: raise wrong_dose_error # xp = get_array_module(self.array) total_dose = np.array(total_dose, dtype=np.float32) transform = NoiseTransform(total_dose, samples, seeds=seed) measurement = self.apply_transform(transform) if isinstance(transform.dose, BaseDistribution) and dose_axes_metadata: measurement = measurement.set_ensemble_axes_metadata( dose_axes_metadata, axis=0 ) return measurement
def _scale_axis_from_metadata(self): return ScaleAxis( label=self.metadata.get("label", ""), units=self.metadata.get("units", None), tex_label=None, ) def to_measurement_ensemble(self): return MeasurementsEnsemble( array=self.array, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def show(self, *args, **kwargs): """Documented in subclasses""" pass
[docs] class MeasurementsEnsemble(BaseMeasurements): _base_dims = 0
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict = None, ): super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property def _area_per_pixel(self): raise RuntimeError("Cannot infer pixel area from metadata.") @property def base_axes_metadata(self): return []
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict ) -> "T": return cls(array, axes_metadata, metadata)
[docs] def show( self, type: str = "lines", ax: Axes = None, power: float = 1.0, common_scale: bool = False, explode: bool | Sequence[int] = (), overlay: bool | Sequence[int] = (), figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, title: bool | str = True, units: str = None, interact: bool = False, display: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Visualization: """ Show the image(s) using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given the plots are added to the axis. This is not available for exploded plots. cbar : bool, optional Add colorbar(s) to the image(s). The size and padding of the colorbars may be adjusted using the `set_cbar_size` and `set_cbar_padding` methods. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. If the measurement is complex the colormap must be one of 'hsv' or 'hsluv'. vmin : float, optional Minimum of the intensity color scale. Default is the minimum of the array values. vmax : float, optional Maximum of the intensity color scale. Default is the maximum of the array values. power : float Show image on a power scale. common_color_scale : bool, optional If True all images in an image grid are shown on the same colorscale, and a single colorbar is created (if it is requested). Default is False. explode : bool, optional If True, a grid of images is created for all the items of the last two ensemble axes. If False, the first ensemble item is shown. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to create a grid of images from the specified axes. The default is determined by the axis metadata. figsize : two int, optional The figure size given as width and height in inches, passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.figure`. title : bool or str, optional Set the column title of the images. If True is given instead of a string the title will be given by the value corresponding to the "name" key of the axes metadata dictionary, if this item exists. units : str The units used for the x and y axes. The given units must be compatible with the axes of the images. interact : bool If True, create an interactive visualization. This requires enabling the ipympl Matplotlib backend. display : bool, optional If True (default) the figure is displayed immediately. Returns ------- measurement_visualization_2d : VisualizationImshow """ pass
# if not interact: # self.compute() # scale_axis = self._scale_axis_from_metadata() # # base_axes_metadata = self._plot_base_axes_metadata(units) # array = self.array # # raise RuntimeError("Cannot infer pixel area from metadata.") # #if display_axes != (-2, -1): # # array = np.moveaxis(self.array, source=display_axes, destination=(-2, -1)) # display_axes = normalize_axes(display_axes, self.shape) # # base_axes_metadata = [self.axes_metadata[i] for i in display_axes] # # ensemble_axes_metadata = [ # # self.axes_metadata[i] # # for i in range(len(self.shape)) # # if i not in display_axes # # ] # artist_type = LinesArtist # visualization = Visualization( # self, # ax=ax, # artist_type=artist_type, # power=power, # common_scale=common_scale, # explode=explode, # overlay=overlay, # figsize=figsize, # interact=interact, # title=title, # **kwargs, # ) # return visualization # def show( # self, # ax: Axes = None, # common_scale: bool = True, # explode: bool | Sequence[int] = None, # overlay: bool | Sequence[int] = None, # figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, # title: str = None, # units: str = None, # legend: bool = False, # interact: bool = False, # display: bool = True, # **kwargs, # ): # # if not interact: # # self.compute() # # visualization = VisualizationLines( # array=self.array, # coordinate_axes=self.ensemble_axes_metadata[-1:], # scale_axis=self._scale_axis_from_metadata(), # ensemble_axes=self.ensemble_axes_metadata[:-1], # ax=ax, # common_scale=common_scale, # explode=explode, # overlay=overlay, # figsize=figsize, # interact=interact, # title=title, # **kwargs, # ) # # if not display and not interact: # plt.close() # # if interact and display: # from IPython.display import display as ipython_display # # ipython_display(visualization.layout_widgets()) # # return visualization class _BaseMeasurement2D(BaseMeasurements): _base_dims = 2 @abstractmethod def _get_1d_equivalent(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def sampling(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Sampling of the measurements in `x` and `y` [Å] or [1/Å]. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def extent(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Extent of measurements in `x` and `y` [Å] or [1/Å]. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ The offset of the origin of the measurement coordinates [Å] or [1/Å]. """ pass def interpolate_line( self, start: tuple[float, float] | Atom = None, end: tuple[float, float] | Atom = None, sampling: float = None, gpts: int = None, width: float = 0.0, margin: float = 0.0, order: int = 3, endpoint: bool = False, fractional: bool = False, ): """ Interpolate image(s) along a given line. Either 'sampling' or 'gpts' must be provided. Parameters ---------- start : two float, Atom, optional Starting position of the line [Å] (alternatively taken from a selected atom). end : two float, Atom, optional Ending position of the line [Å] (alternatively taken from a selected atom). sampling : float Sampling of grid points along the line [1 / Å]. gpts : int Number of grid points along the line. width : float, optional The interpolation will be averaged across a perpendicular distance equal to this width. margin : float or tuple of float, optional Add margin [Å] to the start and end interpolated line. order : int, optional The spline interpolation order. endpoint : bool Sets whether the ending position is included or not. fractional : bool If True, use fractional coordinates with respect to the extent of the measurement. Returns ------- line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles The interpolated line(s). """ from abtem.scan import LineScan # if self.is_complex: # raise NotImplementedError if (sampling is None) and (gpts is None): sampling = min(self.sampling) xp = get_array_module(self.array) if start is None: start = (0.0, 0.0) if end is None and fractional: end = (0.0, 1.0) elif end is None: end = (0.0, self.extent[0]) if fractional: extent = self.extent else: extent = None scan = LineScan( start=start, end=end, gpts=gpts, sampling=sampling, endpoint=endpoint, potential=extent, fractional=fractional, ) if margin != 0.0: scan.add_margin(margin) positions = xp.asarray( (scan.get_positions(lazy=False) - self.offset) / self.sampling ) if width: direction = xp.array(scan.end) - xp.array(scan.start) direction = direction / xp.linalg.norm(direction) perpendicular_direction = xp.array([-direction[1], direction[0]]) n = xp.floor(width / min(self.sampling) / 2) * 2 + 1 perpendicular_positions = ( xp.linspace(-n / 2, n / 2, int(n))[:, None] * perpendicular_direction[None] ) positions = perpendicular_positions[None, :] + positions[:, None] if self.is_lazy: base_axes = tuple(range(len(self.base_shape))) array = self.array.map_blocks( _interpolate_stack, positions=positions, mode="wrap", order=order, drop_axis=base_axes, new_axis=base_axes[0], chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + (positions.shape[0],), meta=xp.array((), dtype=np.float32), ) else: array = _interpolate_stack(self.array, positions, mode="wrap", order=order) metadata = copy.copy(self.metadata) metadata.update(scan.metadata) metadata["label"] = "intensity" metadata["units"] = "arb. unit" if width: array = array.mean(-1) metadata["width"] = width ensemble_axes_metadata = self.ensemble_axes_metadata return self._get_1d_equivalent()( array=array, sampling=scan.sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, ) def gaussian_filter( self, sigma: float | tuple[float, float], boundary: str = "periodic", cval: float = 0.0, ): """ Apply 2D gaussian filter to measurements. Parameters ---------- sigma : float or two float Standard deviation for the Gaussian kernel in the `x` and `y`-direction. If given as a single number, the standard deviation is equal for both axes. boundary : {'periodic', 'reflect', 'constant'} The boundary parameter determines how the images are extended beyond their boundaries when the filter overlaps with a border. ``periodic`` : The images are extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Use this mode for periodic (default). ``reflect`` : The images are extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. ``constant`` : The images are extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the 'cval' parameter. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges in spline interpolation input if boundary is 'constant' (default is 0.0). Returns ------- filtered_images : Images The filtered image(s). """ xp = get_array_module(self.array) gaussian_filter = get_ndimage_module(self.array).gaussian_filter if boundary == "periodic": mode = "wrap" elif boundary in ("reflect", "constant"): mode = boundary else: raise ValueError() if np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = (sigma,) * 2 sigma = (0,) * (len(self.shape) - 2) + tuple( s / d for s, d in zip(sigma, self.sampling) ) if self.is_lazy: depth = tuple( min(int(np.ceil(4.0 * s)), n) for s, n in zip(sigma, self.shape) ) array = self.array.map_overlap( gaussian_filter, sigma=sigma, boundary=boundary, mode=mode, cval=cval, depth=depth, meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: array = gaussian_filter(self.array, sigma=sigma, mode=mode, cval=cval) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs) def interpolate_line_at_position( self, center: tuple[float, float] | Atom, angle: float, extent: float, gpts: int = None, sampling: float = None, width: float = 0.0, order: int = 3, endpoint: bool = True, ): """ Interpolate image(s) along a line centered at a specified position. Parameters ---------- center : two float Center position of the line [Å]. May be given as an Atom. angle : float Angle of the line [deg.]. extent : float Extent of the line [Å]. gpts : int Number of grid points along the line. sampling : float Sampling of grid points along the line [Å]. width : float, optional The interpolation will be averaged across a perpendicular distance equal to this width. order : int, optional The spline interpolation order. endpoint : bool Sets whether the ending position is included or not. Returns ------- line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles or ReciprocalSpaceProfiles The interpolated line(s). """ from abtem.scan import LineScan scan = LineScan.at_position(center=center, extent=extent, angle=angle) return self.interpolate_line( scan.start, scan.end, gpts=gpts, sampling=sampling, width=width, order=order, endpoint=endpoint, ) def show( self, ax: Axes = None, cbar: bool = False, cmap: str = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, power: float = 1.0, common_color_scale: bool = False, explode: bool | Sequence[int] = (), overlay: bool | Sequence[int] = (), figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, title: bool | str = True, units: str = None, interact: bool = False, display: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Visualization: """ Show the image(s) using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given the plots are added to the axis. This is not available for exploded plots. cbar : bool, optional Add colorbar(s) to the image(s). The size and padding of the colorbars may be adjusted using the `set_cbar_size` and `set_cbar_padding` methods. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. If the measurement is complex the colormap must be one of 'hsv' or 'hsluv'. vmin : float, optional Minimum of the intensity color scale. Default is the minimum of the array values. vmax : float, optional Maximum of the intensity color scale. Default is the maximum of the array values. power : float Show image on a power scale. common_color_scale : bool, optional If True all images in an image grid are shown on the same colorscale, and a single colorbar is created (if it is requested). Default is False. explode : bool, optional If True, a grid of images is created for all the items of the last two ensemble axes. If False, the first ensemble item is shown. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to create a grid of images from the specified axes. The default is determined by the axis metadata. figsize : two int, optional The figure size given as width and height in inches, passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.figure`. title : bool or str, optional Set the column title of the images. If True is given instead of a string the title will be given by the value corresponding to the "name" key of the axes metadata dictionary, if this item exists. units : str The units used for the x and y axes. The given units must be compatible with the axes of the images. interact : bool If True, create an interactive visualization. This requires enabling the ipympl Matplotlib backend. display : bool, optional If True (default) the figure is displayed immediately. Returns ------- measurement_visualization_2d : VisualizationImshow """ visualization = Visualization( measurement=self, ax=ax, common_scale=common_color_scale, figsize=figsize, title=title, aspect=True, share_x=True, share_y=True, explode=explode, overlay=overlay, interactive=not interact and display, value_limits=(vmin, vmax), power=power, cmap=cmap, cbar=cbar, units=units, **kwargs, ) if interact: gui = visualization.interact(ImageGUI, display=display) return visualization
[docs] class Images(_BaseMeasurement2D): """ A collection of 2D measurements such as HRTEM or STEM-ADF images. May be used to represent a reconstructed phase. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 2D or greater array containing data of type `float` or ´complex´. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the image `y`- and `x`-axis, respectively. sampling : two float Lateral sampling of images in `x` and `y` [Å]. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: da.core.Array | np.array, sampling: float | tuple[float, float], ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: Dict = None, ): if np.isscalar(sampling): sampling = (float(sampling),) * 2 else: sampling = float(sampling[0]), float(sampling[1]) self._sampling = sampling super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict = None, ) -> "Images": """ Creates an image from a given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : array Complex array defining one or more 2D wave functions. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the `y`- and `x`-axis. axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. The last two axes must be RealSpaceAxis. metadata : dict A dictionary defining the measurement metadata. Returns ------- images : Images Images from the array and metadata. """ x_axis, y_axis = axes_metadata[-2:] if isinstance(x_axis, LinearAxis) and isinstance(y_axis, LinearAxis): sampling = (x_axis.sampling, y_axis.sampling) else: raise RuntimeError() return cls( array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=axes_metadata[:-2], metadata=metadata, )
def _get_1d_equivalent(self): return RealSpaceLineProfiles @property def _area_per_pixel(self): return @property def sampling(self) -> tuple[float, float]: return self._sampling @property def offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: return 0.0, 0.0 @property def extent(self) -> tuple[float, float]: return ( self.sampling[0] * self.base_shape[0], self.sampling[1] * self.base_shape[1], ) @property def coordinates(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Coordinates of pixels in `x` and `y` [Å].""" x = np.linspace(0.0, self.shape[-2] * self.sampling[0], self.shape[-2]) y = np.linspace(0.0, self.shape[-1] * self.sampling[1], self.shape[-1]) return x, y @property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[AxisMetadata]: return [ RealSpaceAxis( label="x", sampling=self.sampling[0], units="Å", tex_label="$x$" ), RealSpaceAxis( label="y", sampling=self.sampling[1], units="Å", tex_label="$y$" ), ]
[docs] def integrate_gradient(self): """ Calculate integrated gradients. Requires complex images whose real and imaginary parts represent the `x` and `y` components of a gradient. Returns ------- integrated_gradient : Images The integrated gradient. """ self._check_is_complex() if self.is_lazy: xp = get_array_module(self.array) array = self.array.rechunk( self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((self.shape[-2],), (self.shape[-1],)) ) array = array.map_blocks( _integrate_gradient_2d, sampling=self.sampling, meta=xp.array((), dtype=np.float32), ) else: array = _integrate_gradient_2d(self.array, sampling=self.sampling) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array kwargs["metadata"].update({"label": "iCOM", "units": "arb. unit"}) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def crop( self, extent: tuple[float, float], offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) ): """ Crop images to a smaller extent. Parameters ---------- extent : tuple of float Extent of rectangular cropping region in `x` and `y` [Å]. offset : tuple of float Lower corner of cropping region in `x` and `y` [Å] (default is (0,0)). Returns ------- cropped_images : Images The cropped images. """ offset = ( int(np.round(self.base_shape[0] * offset[0] / self.extent[0])), int(np.round(self.base_shape[1] * offset[1] / self.extent[1])), ) new_shape = ( int(np.round(self.base_shape[0] * extent[0] / self.extent[0])), int(np.round(self.base_shape[1] * extent[1] / self.extent[1])), ) array = self.array[ ..., offset[0] : offset[0] + new_shape[0], offset[1] : offset[1] + new_shape[1], ] kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def interpolate( self, sampling: float | tuple[float, float] = None, gpts: int | tuple[int, int] = None, method: str = "fft", boundary: str = "periodic", order: int = 3, normalization: str = "values", cval: float = 0.0, ) -> Images: """ Interpolate images producing equivalent images with a different sampling. Either 'sampling' or 'gpts' must be provided (but not both). Parameters ---------- sampling : float or two float Sampling of images after interpolation in `x` and `y` [Å]. gpts : int or two int Number of grid points of images after interpolation in `x` and `y`. Do not use if 'sampling' is used. method : {'fft', 'spline'} The interpolation method. ``fft`` : Interpolate by cropping or zero-padding in reciprocal space. This method should be preferred for periodic images. ``spline`` : Interpolate using spline interpolation. This method should be preferred for non-periodic images. boundary : {'periodic', 'reflect', 'constant'} The boundary parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries for spline interpolation. ``periodic`` : The images are extended by wrapping around to the opposite edge. Use this mode for periodic images (default). ``reflect`` : The images are extended by reflecting about the edge of the last pixel. ``constant`` : The images are extended by filling all values beyond the edge with the same constant value, defined by the 'cval' parameter. order : int The order of the spline interpolation (default is 3). The order has to be in the range 0-5. normalization : {'values', 'amplitude'} The normalization parameter determines which quantity is preserved after normalization. ``values`` : The pixel-wise values of the images are preserved. ``intensity`` : The total intensity of the images is preserved. cval : scalar, optional Value to fill past edges in spline interpolation input if boundary is 'constant' (default is 0.0). Returns ------- interpolated_images : Images The interpolated images. """ if method == "fft" and boundary != "periodic": raise ValueError( "Only periodic boundaries available for FFT interpolation." ) if sampling is None and gpts is None: raise ValueError() if gpts is None and sampling is not None: if np.isscalar(sampling): sampling = (sampling,) * 2 gpts = tuple(int(np.ceil(l / d)) for d, l in zip(sampling, self.extent)) elif gpts is not None: if np.isscalar(gpts): gpts = (gpts,) * 2 else: raise ValueError() xp = get_array_module(self.array) sampling = (self.extent[0] / gpts[0], self.extent[1] / gpts[1]) def _interpolate_spline(array, old_gpts, new_gpts, pad_mode, order, cval): xp = get_array_module(array) x = xp.linspace(0.0, old_gpts[0], new_gpts[0], endpoint=False) y = xp.linspace(0.0, old_gpts[1], new_gpts[1], endpoint=False) positions = xp.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij") positions = xp.stack(positions, axis=-1) return _interpolate_stack( array, positions, pad_mode, order=order, cval=cval ) if boundary == "periodic": boundary = "wrap" array = None if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.rechunk( chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((self.shape[-2],), (self.shape[-1],)) ) if method == "fft": array = array.map_blocks( fft_interpolate, new_shape=gpts, normalization=normalization, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((gpts[0],), (gpts[1],)), meta=xp.array((), dtype=self.array.dtype), ) elif method == "spline": array = array.map_blocks( _interpolate_spline, old_gpts=self.shape[-2:], new_gpts=gpts, order=order, cval=cval, pad_mode=boundary, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((gpts[0],), (gpts[1],)), meta=xp.array((), dtype=self.array.dtype), ) else: if method == "fft": array = fft_interpolate(self.array, gpts, normalization=normalization) elif method == "spline": array = _interpolate_spline( self.array, old_gpts=self.shape[-2:], new_gpts=gpts, pad_mode=boundary, order=order, cval=cval, ) if array is None: raise RuntimeError() kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["sampling"] = sampling kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def tile(self, repetitions: tuple[int, int]) -> Images: """ Tile image(s). Parameters ---------- repetitions : tuple of int The number of repetitions of the images along the `x`- and `y`-axis, respectively. Returns ------- tiled_images : Images The tiled image(s). """ if len(repetitions) != 2: raise RuntimeError() kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = np.tile( self.array, (1,) * (len(self.array.shape) - 2) + repetitions ) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def scan_noise( self, dwell_time: float, flyback_time: float, rms_power: float, max_frequency: float = 500.0, num_components: int = 200, seed: int = None, ): """ Apply scan noise to images. Parameters ---------- dwell_time : float Dwell time of the beam [s]. flyback_time : float Flyback time of the beam [s]. rms_power : float RMS power of the scan noise [V]. max_frequency : float Maximum frequency of the scan noise [1/Å]. """ transform = ScanNoiseTransform( dwell_time=dwell_time, flyback_time=flyback_time, rms_power=rms_power, max_frequency=max_frequency, num_components=num_components, seeds=seed, ) return self.apply_transform(transform)
[docs] def diffractograms(self) -> DiffractionPatterns: """ Calculate diffractograms (i.e. power spectra) from image(s). Returns ------- diffractograms : DiffractionPatterns Diffractograms of image(s). """ xp = get_array_module(self.array) def _diffractograms(array): array = xp.fft.fft2(array) return xp.fft.fftshift(xp.abs(array), axes=(-2, -1)) if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.rechunk( chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((self.shape[-2],), (self.shape[-1],)) ) array = array.map_blocks( _diffractograms, meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32) ) else: array = _diffractograms(self.array) sampling = 1 / self.extent[0], 1 / self.extent[1] return DiffractionPatterns( array=array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
def _plot_base_axes_metadata(self, units: str = None): return self.base_axes_metadata
class _BaseMeasurement1D(BaseMeasurements): _base_dims = 1 def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, sampling: float = None, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): self._sampling = sampling super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, ) @property def _area_per_pixel(self): raise RuntimeError("Cannot infer pixel area from metadata.") @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict = None ) -> "T": """ Creates line profile(s) from a given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : array Complex array defining one or more 1D line profiles. axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. The last two axes must be RealSpaceAxis. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining the measurement metadata. Returns ------- line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles Line profiles from the array and metadata. """ x_axis = axes_metadata[-1] if isinstance(x_axis, LinearAxis): sampling = x_axis.sampling else: raise RuntimeError() axes_metadata = axes_metadata[:-1] return cls( array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, ) @property def extent(self) -> float: """ Extent of measurements [Å] or [1/Å]. """ return self.sampling * self.shape[-1] @property def sampling(self) -> float: """ Extent of measurements [Å] or [1/Å]. """ return self._sampling @property @abstractmethod def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[RealSpaceAxis | ReciprocalSpaceAxis]: pass def _line_scan(self, sampling=None): start, end = self.metadata["start"], self.metadata["end"] from abtem.scan import LineScan return LineScan(start=start, end=end, sampling=sampling) def _add_to_visualization(self, *args, **kwargs): if not all(key in self.metadata for key in ("start", "end")): raise RuntimeError( "The metadata does not contain the keys 'start' and 'end'" ) if "width" in self.metadata: kwargs["width"] = self.metadata["width"] self._line_scan().add_to_axes(*args, **kwargs) def width(self, height: float = 0.5): """ Calculate the width of line(s) at a given height, e.g. full width at half maximum (the default). Parameters ---------- height : float Fractional height at which the width is calculated. Returns ------- width : float The calculated width. """ def _calculate_widths(array, sampling, height): xp = get_array_module(array) array = array - xp.max(array, axis=-1, keepdims=True) * height widths = xp.zeros(array.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float32) for i in np.ndindex(array.shape[:-1]): zero_crossings = xp.where(xp.diff(xp.sign(array[i]), axis=-1))[0] left, right = zero_crossings[0], zero_crossings[-1] widths[i] = (right - left) * sampling return widths if self.is_lazy: return self.array.map_blocks( _calculate_widths, drop_axis=(len(self.array.shape) - 1,), dtype=np.float32, sampling=self.sampling, height=height, ) else: return _calculate_widths(self.array, self.sampling, height) def interpolate( self, sampling: float = None, gpts: int = None, order: int = 3, endpoint: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Interpolate line profile(s) producing equivalent line profile(s) with a different sampling. Either 'sampling' or 'gpts' must be provided (but not both). Parameters ---------- sampling : float, optional Sampling of line profiles after interpolation [Å]. gpts : int, optional Number of grid points of line profiles after interpolation. Do not use if 'sampling' is used. order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation (default is 3). The order has to be in the range 0-5. endpoint : bool, optional If True, end is the last position. Otherwise, it is not included. Default is False. Returns ------- interpolated_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles The interpolated line profile(s). """ map_coordinates = get_ndimage_module(self.array).map_coordinates xp = get_array_module(self.array) if (gpts is not None) and (sampling is not None): raise RuntimeError() if sampling is None and gpts is None: sampling = self.sampling if gpts is None: gpts = int(np.ceil(self.extent / sampling)) if sampling is None: sampling = self.extent / gpts def _interpolate(array, gpts, endpoint, order): old_shape = array.shape array = array.reshape((-1, array.shape[-1])) array = xp.pad(array, ((0,) * 2, (3,) * 2), mode="wrap") new_points = xp.linspace( 3.0, array.shape[-1] - 3.0, gpts, endpoint=endpoint )[None] new_array = xp.zeros(array.shape[:-1] + (gpts,), dtype=xp.float32) for i in range(len(array)): map_coordinates(array[i], new_points, new_array[i], order=order) return new_array.reshape(old_shape[:-1] + (gpts,)) if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.rechunk(self.array.chunks[:-1] + ((self.shape[-1],),)) array = array.map_blocks( _interpolate, gpts=gpts, endpoint=endpoint, order=order, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-1] + (gpts,), meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: array = _interpolate(self.array, gpts, endpoint, order) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array kwargs["sampling"] = sampling return self.__class__(**kwargs) def show( self, ax: Axes = None, common_scale: bool = True, explode: bool | Sequence[int] = False, overlay: bool | Sequence[int] = None, figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, title: str = True, units: str = None, legend: bool = False, interact: bool = False, display: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Visualization: """ Show the reciprocal-space line profile(s) using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib Axes, optional If given the plots are added to the Axes. This is not available for image grids. common_scale : bool If True all plots are shown with a common y-axis. Default is False. explode : bool or sequence of bool, optional If True, a grid of plots is created for all the items of the last two ensemble axes. If False, only the one plot is created. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to create a grid of plots from the specified axes. The default is determined by the axis metadata. overlay : bool or sequence of int, optional If True, all line profiles in the ensemble are shown in a single plot. If False, only the first ensemble item is shown. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to specify which line profiles in the ensemble to show together. The default is determined by the axis metadata. figsize : two int, optional The figure size given as width and height in inches, passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure. title : bool or str, optional Set the column title of the plots. If True is given instead of a string the title will be given by the value corresponding to the "name" key of the axes metadata dictionary, if this item exists. legend : bool Add a legend to the plot. The labels will be derived from units : str, optional The units used for the x-axis. The given units must be compatible. interact : bool If True, create an interactive visualization. This requires enabling the ipympl Matplotlib backend. display : bool, optional If True (default) the figure is displayed immediately. Returns ------- visualization : Visualization """ if overlay is None and explode is False: overlay = True elif overlay is False or overlay is None: overlay = () visualization = Visualization( measurement=self, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, title=title, aspect=False, share_x=True, share_y=common_scale, explode=explode, overlay=overlay, interactive=not interact and display, legend=legend, common_scale=common_scale, **kwargs, ) if interact: gui = visualization.interact(LinesGUI, display=display) if common_scale is False and visualization._explode: visualization.axes.set_sizes(padding=0.8) return visualization
[docs] class RealSpaceLineProfiles(_BaseMeasurement1D): """ A collection of real-space line profile(s). Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 1D or greater array containing data of type `float` or ´complex´. sampling : float Sampling of line profiles [Å]. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, sampling: float = None, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): super().__init__( array=array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[RealSpaceAxis]: return [ RealSpaceAxis(label="r", sampling=self.sampling, units="Å", tex_label="$r$") ]
[docs] def tile(self, repetitions: int) -> "RealSpaceLineProfiles": """ Tile line profiles(s). Parameters ---------- repetitions : int The number of repetitions of the line profiles. Returns ------- tiled_line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles The tiled line profiles(s). """ kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) xp = get_array_module(self.array) reps = (1,) * (len(self.array.shape) - 1) + (repetitions,) if self.is_lazy: kwargs["array"] = da.tile(self.array, reps) else: kwargs["array"] = xp.tile(self.array, reps) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
def _plot_extent(self, units=None): scale = _get_conversion_factor(units, "Å") return [0, self.extent * scale] # def _plot_extent(self, units=None): # scale = {"Å": 1, "nm": 0.1}[_validate_real_space_units(units)] # return [0, self.extent * scale] def _plot_x_label(self, units=None): return f"x [{_validate_units(units, 'Å')}]" def _plot_y_label(self, units=None): return f"y [{_validate_units(units, 'Å')}]"
[docs] class ReciprocalSpaceLineProfiles(_BaseMeasurement1D): """ A collection of reciprocal-space line profile(s). Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 1D or greater array containing data of type `float` or ´complex´. sampling : float Sampling of line profiles [1 / Å]. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, sampling: float = None, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): super().__init__( array=array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[AxisMetadata]: return [ ReciprocalSpaceAxis( label="k", sampling=self.sampling, units="1/Å", tex_label="$k$" ) ] @property def angular_extent(self): """Extent of line profiles given as scattering angels [mrad].""" wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) return self.extent * wavelength * 1e3 def _plot_x_label(self, units=None): return f"x [{_validate_units(units, '1/Å')}]" def _plot_y_label(self, units=None): return f"y [{_validate_units(units, '1/Å')}]" def _plot_extent(self, units=None): if units is None: units = "1/Å" if units == "mrad": return [0, self.angular_extent] elif units == "1/Å": return [0, self.extent]
def _integrate_gradient_2d(gradient, sampling): xp = get_array_module(gradient) gx, gy = gradient.real, gradient.imag (nx, ny) = gx.shape[-2:] ikx = xp.fft.fftfreq(nx, d=sampling[0]) iky = xp.fft.fftfreq(ny, d=sampling[1]) grid_ikx, grid_iky = xp.meshgrid(ikx, iky, indexing="ij") k = grid_ikx**2 + grid_iky**2 k[k == 0] = 1e-12 That = (xp.fft.fft2(gx) * grid_ikx + xp.fft.fft2(gy) * grid_iky) / (2j * np.pi * k) T = xp.real(xp.fft.ifft2(That)) T -= xp.min(T) return T def _fourier_space_bilinear_nodes_and_weight( old_shape: tuple[int, int], new_shape: tuple[int, int], old_angular_sampling: tuple[float, float], new_angular_sampling: tuple[float, float], xp, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: nodes = [] weights = [] old_sampling = ( 1 / old_angular_sampling[0] / old_shape[0], 1 / old_angular_sampling[1] / old_shape[1], ) new_sampling = ( 1 / new_angular_sampling[0] / new_shape[0], 1 / new_angular_sampling[1] / new_shape[1], ) for n, m, r, d in zip(old_shape, new_shape, old_sampling, new_sampling): k = xp.fft.fftshift(xp.fft.fftfreq(n, r).astype(xp.float32)) k_new = xp.fft.fftshift(xp.fft.fftfreq(m, d).astype(xp.float32)) distances = k_new[None] - k[:, None] distances[distances < 0.0] = np.inf w = distances.min(0) / (k[1] - k[0]) w[w == np.inf] = 0.0 nodes.append(distances.argmin(0)) weights.append(w) v, u = nodes vw, uw = weights v, u, vw, uw = xp.broadcast_arrays(v[:, None], u[None, :], vw[:, None], uw[None, :]) return v, u, vw, uw def _gaussian_source_size(measurements, sigma: float | tuple[float, float]): if len(_scan_axes(measurements)) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Gaussian source size not implemented for diffraction patterns with less than two scan axes." ) if np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = (sigma,) * 2 xp = get_array_module(measurements.array) gaussian_filter = get_ndimage_module(measurements._array).gaussian_filter ensemble_axes = tuple(range(len(measurements.ensemble_shape))) padded_sigma = () depth = () i = 0 for axis, n in zip(ensemble_axes, measurements.ensemble_shape): if axis in _scan_axes(measurements): scan_sampling = _scan_sampling(measurements)[i] padded_sigma += (sigma[i] / scan_sampling,) depth += (min(int(np.ceil(4.0 * sigma[i] / scan_sampling)), n),) i += 1 else: padded_sigma += (0.0,) depth += (0,) padded_sigma += (0.0,) * 2 depth += (0,) * 2 if measurements.is_lazy: array = measurements.array.map_overlap( gaussian_filter, sigma=padded_sigma, mode="wrap", depth=depth, meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: array = gaussian_filter(measurements.array, sigma=padded_sigma, mode="wrap") kwargs = measurements._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) return measurements.__class__(array, **kwargs) def _infer_lines(b, H, W, out_H, out_W, kH, kW): target_size = 2**17 line_size = b * (H * W // out_H + kH * kW * out_W) target_lines = target_size // line_size if target_lines < out_H: lines = 1 while True: next_lines = lines * 2 if next_lines > target_lines: break lines = next_lines else: lines = out_H return lines def _interpolate_bilinear(x, v, u, vw, uw): B, H, W = x.shape out_H, out_W = v.shape # Interpolation is done by each output panel (i.e. multi lines) # in order to better utilize CPU cache memory. lines = _infer_lines(B, H, W, out_H, out_W, 2, 2) vcol = np.empty((2, lines, out_W), dtype=v.dtype) ucol = np.empty((2, lines, out_W), dtype=u.dtype) wcol = np.empty((2, 2, lines, out_W), dtype=x.dtype) y = np.empty((B, out_H * out_W), dtype=x.dtype) for i in range(0, out_H, lines): n = min(lines, out_H - i) vcol = vcol[:, :n] ucol = ucol[:, :n] wcol = wcol[:, :, :n] i_end = i + n # indices vcol[0] = v[i:i_end] ucol[0] = u[i:i_end] np.add(vcol[0], 1, out=vcol[1]) np.add(ucol[0], 1, out=ucol[1]) np.minimum(vcol[1], H - 1, out=vcol[1]) np.minimum(ucol[1], W - 1, out=ucol[1]) wcol[0, 1] = uw[i:i_end] np.subtract(1, wcol[0, 1], out=wcol[0, 0]) np.multiply(wcol[0], vw[i:i_end], out=wcol[1]) wcol[0] -= wcol[1] # packing to the panel whose shape is (B, C, 2, 2, l, out_W) panel = x[:, vcol[:, None], ucol[None, :]] # interpolation panel = panel.reshape((B, 4, n * out_W)) weights = wcol.reshape((4, n * out_W)) iout = i * out_W iout_end = i_end * out_W np.einsum("ijk,jk->ik", panel, weights, out=y[:, iout:iout_end]) del panel, weights return y.reshape((B, out_H, out_W))
[docs] class DiffractionPatterns(_BaseMeasurement2D): """ One or more diffraction patterns. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 2D or greater array containing data with `float` type. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the reciprocal space `y`- and `x`-axis of the diffraction pattern. sampling : float or two float The reciprocal-space sampling of the diffraction patterns [1 / Å]. fftshift : bool, optional If True, the diffraction patterns are assumed to have the zero-frequency component to the center of the spectrum, otherwise the center(s) are assumed to be at (0,0). ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. """
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray | da.core.Array, sampling: float | tuple[float, float], fftshift: bool = False, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): if np.isscalar(sampling): sampling = (float(sampling),) * 2 else: sampling = float(sampling[0]), float(sampling[1]) self._fftshift = fftshift self._sampling = sampling self._base_axes = (-2, -1) super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
@property def _area_per_pixel(self): return _scan_area_per_pixel(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict = None, ): """ Creates diffraction pattern(s) from a given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : array Complex array defining one or more 2D diffraction patterns. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the diffraction pattern `y`- and `x`-axis. axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. The last two axes must be RealSpaceAxis. metadata : dict A dictionary defining the measurement metadata. Returns ------- diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns Diffraction pattern(s) from the array and metadata. """ x_axis, y_axis = axes_metadata[-2:] if isinstance(x_axis, ReciprocalSpaceAxis) and isinstance( y_axis, ReciprocalSpaceAxis ): sampling = (x_axis.sampling, y_axis.sampling) fftshift = x_axis.fftshift else: raise RuntimeError() axes_metadata = axes_metadata[:-2] return cls( array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=axes_metadata, fftshift=fftshift, metadata=metadata, )
def _get_1d_equivalent(self): return ReciprocalSpaceLineProfiles @property def base_axes_metadata(self): limits = self.limits return [ ReciprocalSpaceAxis( sampling=self.sampling[0], offset=limits[0][0], label="kx", units="1/Å", fftshift=self.fftshift, tex_label="$k_x$", ), ReciprocalSpaceAxis( sampling=self.sampling[1], offset=limits[1][0], label="ky", units="1/Å", fftshift=self.fftshift, tex_label="$k_y$", ), ]
[docs] def tile_scan(self, repetitions: tuple[int, int]) -> DiffractionPatterns: """ Tile the scan axes of the diffraction patterns. The diffraction patterns must have one or more scan axes. Parameters ---------- repetitions : two int The number of repetitions of the scan positions along the `x`- and `y`-axis, respectively. Returns ------- tiled_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The tiled diffraction patterns. """ scan_axes = _scan_axes(self) if len(scan_axes) != 2: raise NotImplementedError xp = get_array_module(self.array) tiling = () j = 0 for i in range(len(self.shape)): if i in scan_axes: tiling += (repetitions[j],) j += 1 else: tiling += (1,) array = xp.tile(self.array, tiling) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def index_diffraction_spots( self, cell: Cell | float | tuple[float, float, float], orientation_matrices: np.ndarray = None, sg_max: float = None, k_max: float = None, energy: float = None, centering: str = "P", ) -> IndexedDiffractionPatterns: """ Indexes the Bragg reflections (diffraction spots) by their Miller indices. Parameters ---------- cell : ase.cell.Cell or float or tuple of float The assumed unit cell with respect to the diffraction pattern should be indexed. Must be one of ASE `Cell` object, float (for a cubic unit cell) or three floats (for orthorhombic unit cells). centering : {'P', 'F', 'I', 'A', 'B', 'C'} Assumed lattice centering used for determining the reflection conditions. Returns ------- indexed_patterns : IndexedDiffractionPatterns The indexed diffraction pattern(s). """ from abtem.bloch.indexing import ( estimate_necessary_excitation_error, index_diffraction_spots, validate_cell, ) from abtem.bloch.utils import filter_reciprocal_space_vectors, make_hkl_grid if orientation_matrices is not None and not is_broadcastable( self.ensemble_shape, orientation_matrices.shape[:-2] ): raise ValueError( "The ensemble shape and the shape of the orientation matrices must be broadcastable." ) if energy is None: energy = self._get_from_metadata("energy") if k_max is None: k_max = max(self.max_frequency) if sg_max is None: sg_max = estimate_necessary_excitation_error(energy, k_max) cell = validate_cell(cell) hkl = make_hkl_grid(cell, k_max) mask = filter_reciprocal_space_vectors( hkl, cell, energy=energy, sg_max=sg_max, k_max=k_max, centering=centering, orientation_matrices=orientation_matrices, ) hkl = hkl[mask] if self.is_lazy: intensities = self.array.map_blocks( index_diffraction_spots, hkl=hkl, sampling=self.sampling, cell=cell, energy=energy, orientation_matrices=orientation_matrices, drop_axis=len(self.array.shape) - 1, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + (hkl.shape[0],), meta=np.array((), dtype=self.dtype), ) else: intensities = index_diffraction_spots( array=self.array, hkl=hkl, sampling=self.sampling, cell=cell, energy=energy, orientation_matrices=orientation_matrices, ) if orientation_matrices is None: orientation_matrices = np.eye(3)[(None,) * len(self.array.shape[:-2])] reciprocal_lattice_vectors = np.matmul( cell.reciprocal(), np.swapaxes(orientation_matrices, -2, -1), ) return IndexedDiffractionPatterns( intensities, hkl, reciprocal_lattice_vectors=reciprocal_lattice_vectors, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
@property def fftshift(self) -> bool: """ True if the zero-frequency is shifted to the center of the array. """ return self._fftshift @property def sampling(self) -> tuple[float, float]: return self._sampling @property def angular_sampling(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Angular sampling of diffraction patterns in `x` and `y` [mrad]. """ wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) return ( self.sampling[0] * wavelength * 1e3, self.sampling[1] * wavelength * 1e3, ) @property def max_angles(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """Maximum scattering angle in `x` and `y` [mrad].""" return ( self.shape[-2] // 2 * self.angular_sampling[0], self.shape[-1] // 2 * self.angular_sampling[1], ) @property def max_frequency(self): return abs(self.limits[0][1]), abs(self.limits[1][1]) @property def limits(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Lowest and highest spatial frequency in `x` and `y` [1 / Å].""" limits = [] for i in (-2, -1): if self.shape[i] % 2: limits += [ ( -(self.shape[i] - 1) // 2 * self.sampling[i], (self.shape[i] - 1) // 2 * self.sampling[i], ) ] else: limits += [ ( -self.shape[i] // 2 * self.sampling[i], (self.shape[i] // 2 - 1) * self.sampling[i], ) ] return limits @property def angular_limits(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Lowest and highest scattering angle in `x` and `y` [mrad].""" limits = self.limits wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) limits[0] = ( limits[0][0] * wavelength * 1e3, limits[0][1] * wavelength * 1e3, ) limits[1] = ( limits[1][0] * wavelength * 1e3, limits[1][1] * wavelength * 1e3, ) return limits @property def offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: limits = self.limits return limits[0][0], limits[1][0] @property def extent(self) -> tuple[float, float]: limits = self.limits return limits[0][0] - limits[0][1], limits[1][0] - limits[1][1] @property def coordinates(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Reciprocal-space frequency coordinates [1 / Å].""" return ( self.axes_metadata[-2].coordinates(self.base_shape[-2]), self.axes_metadata[-1].coordinates(self.base_shape[-1]), ) @property def angular_coordinates(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Scattering angle coordinates [mrad].""" xp = get_array_module(self.array) limits = self.angular_limits alpha_x = xp.linspace( limits[0][0], limits[0][1], self.shape[-2], dtype=xp.float32 ) alpha_y = xp.linspace( limits[1][0], limits[1][1], self.shape[-1], dtype=xp.float32 ) if self.fftshift: return alpha_x, alpha_y else: return np.fft.fftshift(alpha_x), np.fft.fftshift(alpha_y) @staticmethod def _batch_interpolate_bilinear(array, new_sampling, sampling, new_gpts): xp = get_array_module(array) v, u, vw, uw = _fourier_space_bilinear_nodes_and_weight( array.shape[-2:], new_gpts, sampling, new_sampling, xp ) old_shape = array.shape array = array.reshape((-1,) + array.shape[-2:]) old_sums = array.sum((-2, -1), keepdims=True) if xp is cp: array = interpolate_bilinear_cuda(array, v, u, vw, uw) else: array = _interpolate_bilinear(array, v, u, vw, uw) array = array / array.sum((-2, -1), keepdims=True) * old_sums return array.reshape(old_shape[:-2] + array.shape[-2:])
[docs] def interpolate( self, sampling: str | float | tuple[float, float] = None, gpts: tuple[int, int] = None, ): """ Interpolate diffraction pattern(s) producing equivalent pattern(s) with a different sampling. Parameters ---------- sampling : 'uniform' or float or two floats Sampling of diffraction patterns after interpolation in `x` and `y` [1 / Å]. If a single value, the same sampling is used for both axes. If 'uniform', the diffraction patterns are down-sampled along the axis with the smallest pixel size such that the sampling is uniform. gpts : tuple of int Number of grid points of the diffraction patterns after interpolation in `x` and `y`. Do not use if 'sampling' is used. Returns ------- interpolated_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The interpolated diffraction pattern(s). """ if gpts is None: if sampling == "uniform": sampling = (max(self.sampling),) * 2 elif not isinstance(sampling, str) and np.isscalar(sampling): sampling = (sampling,) * 2 sampling, gpts = adjusted_gpts(sampling, self.sampling, self.base_shape) else: if np.isscalar(gpts): gpts = (gpts,) * 2 sampling = tuple( d * old_n / new_n for d, old_n, new_n in zip(self.sampling, self.base_shape, gpts) ) if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.map_blocks( self._batch_interpolate_bilinear, sampling=self.sampling, new_sampling=sampling, new_gpts=gpts, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ((gpts[0],), (gpts[1],)), dtype=np.float32, ) else: array = self._batch_interpolate_bilinear( self.array, sampling=self.sampling, new_sampling=sampling, new_gpts=gpts ) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["sampling"] = sampling kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
def _check_integration_limits(self, inner: float, outer: float): if inner > outer: raise RuntimeError( f"Inner detection ({inner} mrad) angle cannot exceed the outer detection angle." f"({outer} mrad)" ) if (outer > self.max_angles[0]) or (outer > self.max_angles[1]): if not np.isclose(min(self.max_angles), outer, atol=1e-5): raise RuntimeError( f"Outer integration limit cannot exceed the maximum simulated angle ({outer} mrad > " f"{min(self.max_angles)} mrad), please increase the number of grid points." )
[docs] def gaussian_source_size( self, sigma: float | tuple[float, float] ) -> DiffractionPatterns: """ Simulate the effect of a finite source size on diffraction pattern(s) using a Gaussian filter. The filter is not applied to diffraction pattern individually, but the intensity of diffraction patterns are mixed across scan axes. Applying this filter requires two linear scan axes. Applying this filter before integrating the diffraction patterns will produce the same image as integrating the diffraction patterns first then applying a Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- sigma : float or two float Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel in the `x` and `y`-direction. If given as a single number, the standard deviation is equal for both axes. Returns ------- filtered_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The filtered diffraction pattern(s). """ return _gaussian_source_size(self, sigma)
[docs] def poisson_noise( self, dose_per_area: float = None, total_dose: float = None, samples: int = 1, seed: int = None, ): """ Add Poisson noise (i.e. shot noise) to a measurement corresponding to the provided 'total_dose' (per measurement if applied to an ensemble) or 'dose_per_area' (not applicable for single measurements). Parameters ---------- dose_per_area : float, optional The irradiation dose per unit of scan area [electrons per Å:sup:`2`]. This is only valid if the diffraction patterns has two scan axes. total_dose : float, optional The irradiation dose per diffraction pattern. samples : int, optional The number of samples to draw from a Poisson distribution. If this is greater than 1, an additional ensemble axis will be added to the measurement. seed : int, optional Seed the random number generator. Returns ------- noisy_measurement : BaseMeasurements The noisy measurement. """ if len(_scan_shape(self)) < 2 and dose_per_area is not None: raise ValueError( "diffraction patterns has less than two scan axes, provide 'total_dose' not 'dose_per_area' " ) # TODO: normalization return super().poisson_noise( dose_per_area=dose_per_area, total_dose=total_dose, samples=samples, seed=seed, )
[docs] def polar_binning( self, nbins_radial: int, nbins_azimuthal: int, inner: float = 0.0, outer: float = None, rotation: float = 0.0, offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0), ): """ Create polar measurements from the diffraction patterns by binning the measurements on a polar grid. This method may be used to simulate a segmented detector with a specified number of radial and azimuthal bins. Each bin is a segment of an annulus and the bins are spaced equally in the radial and azimuthal directions. The bins fit between a given inner and outer integration limit, they may be rotated around the origin, and their center may be shifted from the origin. Parameters ---------- nbins_radial : int Number of radial bins. nbins_azimuthal : int Number of angular bins. inner : float Inner integration limit of the bins [mrad] (default is 0.0). outer : float Outer integration limit of the bins [mrad]. If not specified, this is set to be the maximum detected angle of the diffraction pattern. rotation : float Rotation of the bins around the origin [mrad] (default is 0.0). offset : two float Offset of the bins from the origin in `x` and `y` [mrad] (default is (0.0, 0.0). Returns ------- polar_measurements : PolarMeasurements The polar measurements. """ if nbins_radial <= 0 or nbins_azimuthal <= 0: raise RuntimeError("number of bins must be greater than zero") if outer is None: outer = min(self.max_angles) self._check_integration_limits(inner, outer) xp = get_array_module(self.array) def _radial_binning(array, nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal, sampling): xp = get_array_module(array) indices = _polar_detector_bins( gpts=array.shape[-2:], sampling=sampling, inner=inner, outer=outer, nbins_radial=nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal=nbins_azimuthal, fftshift=self.fftshift, rotation=rotation, offset=offset, return_indices=True, ) separators = xp.concatenate( (xp.array([0]), xp.cumsum(xp.array([len(i) for i in indices]))) ) new_shape = array.shape[:-2] + (nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal) array = array.reshape( ( -1, array.shape[-2] * array.shape[-1], ) )[..., np.concatenate(indices)] result = xp.zeros( ( array.shape[0], len(indices), ), dtype=xp.float32, ) if xp is cp: sum_run_length_encoded_cuda(array, result, separators) else: _sum_run_length_encoded(array, result, separators) return result.reshape(new_shape) if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.map_blocks( _radial_binning, nbins_radial=nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal=nbins_azimuthal, sampling=self.angular_sampling, drop_axis=(len(self.shape) - 2, len(self.shape) - 1), chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + ( (nbins_radial,), (nbins_azimuthal,), ), new_axis=( len(self.shape) - 2, len(self.shape) - 1, ), meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: array = _radial_binning( self.array, nbins_radial=nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal=nbins_azimuthal, sampling=self.angular_sampling, ) radial_sampling = (outer - inner) / nbins_radial azimuthal_sampling = 2 * np.pi / nbins_azimuthal return PolarMeasurements( array, radial_sampling=radial_sampling, azimuthal_sampling=azimuthal_sampling, radial_offset=inner, azimuthal_offset=rotation, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
[docs] def radial_binning( self, step_size: float = 1.0, inner: float = 0.0, outer: float = None ) -> PolarMeasurements: """ Create polar measurement(s) from the diffraction pattern(s) by binning the measurements in annular regions. This method may be used to simulate a segmented detector with a specified number of radial bins. This is equivalent to detecting a wave function using the `FlexibleAnnularDetector`. Parameters ---------- step_size : float, optional Radial extent of the bins [mrad] (default is 1.0). inner : float, optional Inner integration limit of the bins [mrad] (default is 0.0). outer : float, optional Outer integration limit of the bins [mrad]. If not specified, this is set to be the maximum detected angle of the diffraction pattern. Returns ------- radially_binned_measurement : PolarMeasurements Radially binned polar measurement(s). """ if outer is None: outer = min(self.max_angles) nbins_radial = int((outer - inner) / step_size) return self.polar_binning(nbins_radial, 1, inner, outer)
[docs] def integrate_radial( self, inner: float, outer: float, offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0) ) -> Images: """ Create images by integrating the diffraction patterns over an annulus defined by an inner and outer integration angle. Parameters ---------- inner : float Inner integration limit [mrad]. outer : float Outer integration limit [mrad]. offset : tuple of float Offset of center of annular integration region [mrad]. Returns ------- integrated_images : Images The integrated images. """ if isinstance(inner, Sequence) or isinstance(outer, Sequence): if isinstance(inner, Number): inners = (inner,) * len(outer) outers = outer else: outers = (outer,) * len(inner) inners = inner measurements = [ self.integrate_radial(inner=inner, outer=outer) for inner, outer in zip(inners, outers) ] measurements = stack( measurements, axis_metadata=NonLinearAxis( label="Limits", values=tuple(zip(inners, outers)), units="mrad" ), ) return measurements self._check_integration_limits(inner, outer) xp = get_array_module(self.array) def _integrate_fourier_space(array, sampling): xp = get_array_module(array) bins = _annular_detector_mask( gpts=array.shape[-2:], sampling=sampling, inner=inner, outer=outer, fftshift=self.fftshift, offset=offset, xp=xp, ) return xp.sum(array * bins, axis=(-2, -1)) if self.is_lazy: integrated_intensity = self.array.map_blocks( _integrate_fourier_space, sampling=self.angular_sampling, drop_axis=(len(self.shape) - 2, len(self.shape) - 1), meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: integrated_intensity = _integrate_fourier_space( self.array, sampling=self.angular_sampling ) return _reduced_scanned_images_or_line_profiles(integrated_intensity, self)
[docs] def integrated_center_of_mass(self) -> Images: """ Calculate integrated center-of-mass (iCOM) images from diffraction patterns. This method is only implemented for diffraction patterns with exactly two scan axes. Returns ------- icom_images : Images The iCOM images. """ com = self.center_of_mass() if isinstance(com, Images): return com.integrate_gradient() else: raise RuntimeError( f"Integrated center-of-mass not implemented for DiffractionPatterns with " f"{len(_scan_shape(self))} scan axes." )
@staticmethod def _com(array, x, y): com_x = (array * x[:, None]).sum(axis=(-2, -1)) com_y = (array * y[None]).sum(axis=(-2, -1)) com = com_x + 1.0j * com_y return com
[docs] def center_of_mass(self, units: str = "1/Å") -> Images | RealSpaceLineProfiles: """ Calculate center-of-mass images or line profiles from diffraction patterns. The results are of type `complex` where the real and imaginary part represents the `x` and `y` component. Returns ------- com_images : Images Center-of-mass images. com_line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles Center-of-mass line profiles (returned if there is only one scan axis). """ if units == "mrad": x, y = self.angular_coordinates elif units == "1/Å": x, y = self.coordinates else: raise ValueError() xp = get_array_module(self.array) x, y = xp.asarray(x), xp.asarray(y) if self.is_lazy: base_axes = tuple( range( len(self.ensemble_shape), len(self.base_shape) + len(self.ensemble_shape), ) ) array = self.array.map_blocks( self._com, x=x, y=y, drop_axis=base_axes, dtype=np.complex64 ) else: array = self._com(self.array, x=x, y=y) return _reduced_scanned_images_or_line_profiles(array, self)
[docs] def bandlimit(self, inner: float, outer: float) -> "DiffractionPatterns": """ Bandlimit diffraction pattern(s) by setting everything outside an annulus defined by two radial angles to zero. Parameters ---------- inner : float Inner limit of zero region [mrad]. outer : float Outer limit of zero region [mrad]. Returns ------- band-limited_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The band-limited diffraction pattern(s). """ def _bandlimit(array, inner, outer): alpha_x, alpha_y = self.angular_coordinates alpha = np.sqrt(alpha_x[:, None] ** 2 + alpha_y[None] ** 2) block = alpha > inner if outer != np.inf: block *= alpha < outer return array * block xp = get_array_module(self.array) if self.is_lazy: array = self.array.map_blocks( _bandlimit, inner=inner, outer=outer, meta=xp.array((), dtype=xp.float32), ) else: array = _bandlimit(self.array, inner, outer) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def crop( self, max_angle: float = None, max_frequency: float = None, gpts: tuple[int, int] = None, ) -> DiffractionPatterns: """ Crop the diffraction patterns such that they only include spatial frequencies (scattering angles) up to a given limit. Parameters ---------- max_angle : float, optional The maximum included scattering angle in the cropped diffraction patterns. max_frequency : float, optional The maximum included spatial frequency in the cropped diffraction patterns. gpts : tuple of int The number of gpts in the cropped diffraction patterns. Returns ------- cropped_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns """ none_args = (max_angle is None) + (max_frequency is None) + (gpts is None) if none_args != 2: raise ValueError( "provide exactly one of 'max_angle', 'max_frequency' or 'gpts'" ) if gpts is None and max_angle is not None: gpts = ( int(2 * np.round(max_angle / self.angular_sampling[0])) + 1, int(2 * np.round(max_angle / self.angular_sampling[1])) + 1, ) elif gpts is None and max_frequency is not None: gpts = ( int(2 * np.round(max_frequency / self.sampling[0])) + 1, int(2 * np.round(max_frequency / self.sampling[1])) + 1, ) if gpts is None: raise ValueError() def _do_crop(array): xp = get_array_module(array) array = xp.fft.fftshift( fft_crop(xp.fft.ifftshift(array, axes=(-2, -1)), new_shape=gpts), axes=(-2, -1), ) return array if self.is_lazy: xp = get_array_module(self.array) array = self.array.map_blocks( _do_crop, chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + gpts, meta=xp.array((), dtype=self.dtype), ) else: array = _do_crop(self.array) kwargs = self._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) kwargs["array"] = array return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def azimuthal_average( self, max_angle: float = None, radial_sampling: float = 1.0, weighting_function: str = "step", width: float = 1.0, ) -> ReciprocalSpaceLineProfiles: """ Calculate the azimuthal averages of the diffraction patterns. Parameters ---------- max_angle : float, optional The maximum included scattering angle in the azimuthal averages [mrad]. order : float, optional The spline interpolation order. Default is 1. radial_sampling : float, optional The radial sampling of the azimuthal averages [mrad]. Default is equal to the smallest value of the x and y component of the angular sampling. weigthing_method : str """ def _map_azimuthal_average( array, angular_coordinates, max_angle, radial_sampling, weighting_function, width, ): x, y = np.meshgrid(*angular_coordinates, indexing="ij") r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) centers = np.arange(0, max_angle, radial_sampling) values = np.zeros(array.shape[:-2] + centers.shape) for i, center in enumerate(centers): if weighting_function == "step": mask = np.abs(r - center) < width elif weighting_function == "gaussian": mask = np.exp(-((r - center) ** 2) / (width**2 / 2)) else: raise ValueError() weight = np.sum(mask) if weight > 0: values[..., i] = np.sum(array * mask, axis=(-2, -1)) / weight else: values[..., i] = 0.0 return values if max_angle is None: max_angle = -min(min(self.angular_limits)) radial_sampling = radial_sampling * min(self.angular_sampling) width = width * min(self.angular_sampling) if self.is_lazy: xp = get_array_module(self.array) n = int(max_angle / radial_sampling) base_axes = tuple( range( len(self.ensemble_shape), len(self.ensemble_shape) + len(self.base_shape), ) ) array = self.array.map_blocks( _map_azimuthal_average, angular_coordinates=self.angular_coordinates, max_angle=max_angle, radial_sampling=radial_sampling, weighting_function=weighting_function, width=width, drop_axis=base_axes, new_axis=base_axes[0], chunks=self.array.chunks[:-2] + (n,), meta=xp.array((), dtype=np.float32), ) else: array = _map_azimuthal_average( self.array, angular_coordinates=self.angular_coordinates, max_angle=max_angle, radial_sampling=radial_sampling, weighting_function=weighting_function, width=width, ) wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) return ReciprocalSpaceLineProfiles( array, sampling=radial_sampling / (wavelength * 1e3), ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
def fourier_shell_correlation( self, other: DiffractionPatterns, radial_sampling: float = 1.0, width: float = 1.0, weighting_function: str = "step", ): fsc = (self**0.5 * other**0.5).azimuthal_average( radial_sampling=radial_sampling, width=width, weighting_function=weighting_function, ) / ( self.azimuthal_average( radial_sampling=radial_sampling, width=width, weighting_function=weighting_function, ) * other.azimuthal_average( radial_sampling=radial_sampling, width=width, weighting_function=weighting_function, ) ) return fsc
[docs] def block_direct( self, radius: float = None, margin: bool = None ) -> DiffractionPatterns: """ Block the direct beam by setting the pixels of the zeroth-order Bragg reflection (non-scattered beam) to zero. Parameters ---------- radius : float, optional The radius of the zeroth-order reflection to block [mrad]. If not given this will be inferred from the metadata, if available. margin : bool, optional If True adds a margin to the blocking radius to fully block soft apertures. Margin is true by default for diffraction patterns with 'semiangle_cutoff' in metadata. Returns ------- diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The diffraction pattern(s) with the direct beam removed. """ if radius is None: if "semiangle_cutoff" in self.metadata.keys(): radius = self.metadata["semiangle_cutoff"] else: radius = max(self.angular_sampling) * 1.0001 if "semiangle_cutoff" in self.metadata.keys() and margin is None: margin = True if margin: radius += max(self.angular_sampling) return self.bandlimit(radius, outer=np.inf)
def _center_bin(self): return self.array.shape[0] // 2, self.array.shape[1] // 2 def _select_frequency_bin(self, bins): bins = np.array(bins) center = np.array([self.base_shape[0] // 2, self.base_shape[1] // 2]) indices = bins + center if len(bins.shape) == 2: array = self.array[..., indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] else: array = self.array[..., indices[0], indices[1]] return array
# def _plot_base_axes_metadata(self, units: str = None): # if units is None: # return self.base_axes_metadata # # if units == "mrad": # return [ # ReciprocalSpaceAxis( # sampling=self.angular_sampling[0], # offset=self.angular_limits[0][0], # label="kx", # units="mrad", # fftshift=self.fftshift, # _tex_label="$k_x$", # ), # ReciprocalSpaceAxis( # sampling=self.angular_sampling[1], # offset=self.angular_limits[1][0], # label="ky", # units="mrad", # fftshift=self.fftshift, # _tex_label="$k_y$", # ), # ]
[docs] class PolarMeasurements(BaseMeasurements): """ Class describing polar measurements with a specified number of radial and azimuthal bins. Each bin is a segment of an annulus and the bins are spaced equally in the radial and azimuthal directions. The bins may be rotated around the origin, and their center may be shifted from the origin. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray Array containing the measurement. radial_sampling : float Sampling of the radial bins [mrad]. azimuthal_sampling : int Sampling of the azimuthal bins [rad]. radial_offset : float, optional Offset of the bins from the origin [mrad] (default is 0.0). azimuthal_offset : float, optional Rotation of the bins around the origin [rad] (default is 0.0). ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. Returns ------- polar_measurements : PolarMeasurements The polar measurements. """ _base_dims = 2
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, radial_sampling: float, azimuthal_sampling: float, radial_offset: float = 0.0, azimuthal_offset: float = 0.0, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): self._radial_sampling = radial_sampling self._azimuthal_sampling = azimuthal_sampling self._radial_offset = radial_offset self._azimuthal_offset = azimuthal_offset super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_array_and_metadata( cls, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict = None, ) -> "PolarMeasurements": """ Creates polar measurements(s) from a given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : array Complex array defining one or more polar measurements. The second-to-last and last dimensions are the measurement `y`- and `x`-axis. axes_metadata : list of AxesMetadata Axis metadata for each axis. The axis metadata must be compatible with the shape of the array. The last two axes must be RealSpaceAxis. metadata : dict A dictionary defining the measurement metadata. Returns ------- polar_measurements : PolarMeasurements Polar measurement(s) from the array and metadata. """ radial_axis, azimuthal_axis = axes_metadata[-2:] if isinstance(radial_axis, LinearAxis) and isinstance( azimuthal_axis, LinearAxis ): radial_sampling = radial_axis.sampling radial_offset = radial_axis.offset azimuthal_sampling = azimuthal_axis.sampling azimuthal_offset = azimuthal_axis.offset else: raise RuntimeError() return cls( array, radial_sampling=radial_sampling, radial_offset=radial_offset, azimuthal_sampling=azimuthal_sampling, azimuthal_offset=azimuthal_offset, ensemble_axes_metadata=axes_metadata[:-2], metadata=metadata, )
def _area_per_pixel(self): return _scan_area_per_pixel(self) @property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list[AxisMetadata]: return [ LinearAxis( label="Radial scattering angle", offset=self.radial_offset, sampling=self.radial_sampling, _concatenate=False, units="mrad", ), LinearAxis( label="Azimuthal scattering angle", offset=self.azimuthal_offset, sampling=self.azimuthal_sampling, _concatenate=False, units="rad", ), ] @property def radial_offset(self) -> float: """Offset of the bins from the origin [mrad].""" return self._radial_offset @property def outer_angle(self) -> float: """The outer angle of the outermost radial bin [mrad].""" return self._radial_offset + self.radial_sampling * self.shape[-2] @property def radial_sampling(self) -> float: """Sampling of the radial bins [mrad].""" return self._radial_sampling @property def azimuthal_sampling(self) -> float: """Sampling of the azimuthal bins [rad].""" return self._azimuthal_sampling @property def azimuthal_offset(self) -> float: """Rotation of the bins around the origin [rad].""" return self._azimuthal_offset
[docs] def integrate_radial( self, inner: float, outer: float ) -> Images | RealSpaceLineProfiles: """ Create images by integrating the polar measurements over an annulus defined by an inner and outer integration angle. Parameters ---------- inner : float Inner integration limit [mrad]. outer : float Outer integration limit [mrad]. Returns ------- integrated_images : Images The integrated images. real_space_line_profiles : RealSpaceLineProfiles Integrated line profiles (returned if there is only one scan axis). """ return self.integrate(radial_limits=(inner, outer))
[docs] def integrate( self, radial_limits: tuple[float, float] = None, azimuthal_limits: tuple[float, float] = None, detector_regions: int | Sequence[int] = None, ) -> Images | RealSpaceLineProfiles: """ Integrate polar regions to produce an image or line profiles. Parameters ---------- radial_limits : tuple of float Inner and outer radial angles of the integration limits [mrad]. azimuthal_limits : tuple of float Lower and upper azimuthal angles of the integration limits [rad]. detector_regions : int or sequence of int The explicit detector regions to integrate over. Returns ------- integrated_images : Images or RealSpaceLineProfiles """ if detector_regions is not None: if (radial_limits is not None) or (azimuthal_limits is not None): raise ValueError() if np.isscalar(detector_regions): detector_regions = [detector_regions] array = self.array.reshape(self.shape[:-2] + (-1,))[ ..., list(detector_regions) ].sum(axis=-1) else: if radial_limits is None: radial_slice = slice(None) else: inner_index = int( (radial_limits[0] - self.radial_offset) / self.radial_sampling ) outer_index = int( (radial_limits[1] - self.radial_offset) / self.radial_sampling ) radial_slice = slice(inner_index, outer_index) if outer_index > self.shape[-2]: raise RuntimeError("Integration limit exceeded.") if azimuthal_limits is None: azimuthal_slice = slice(None) else: left_index = int(azimuthal_limits[0] / self.radial_sampling) right_index = int(azimuthal_limits[1] / self.radial_sampling) azimuthal_slice = slice(left_index, right_index) array = self.array[..., radial_slice, azimuthal_slice].sum(axis=(-2, -1)) return _reduced_scanned_images_or_line_profiles(array, self)
[docs] def gaussian_source_size( self, sigma: float | tuple[float, float] ) -> PolarMeasurements: """ Simulate the effect of a finite source size on diffraction pattern(s) using a Gaussian filter. The filter is not applied to diffraction pattern individually, but the intensity of diffraction patterns are mixed across scan axes. Applying this filter requires two linear scan axes. Applying this filter before integrating the diffraction patterns will produce the same image as integrating the diffraction patterns first then applying a Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- sigma : float or two float Standard deviation of Gaussian kernel in the `x` and `y`-direction. If given as a single number, the standard deviation is equal for both axes. Returns ------- filtered_diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns The filtered diffraction pattern(s). """ return _gaussian_source_size(self, sigma)
[docs] def to_diffraction_patterns( self, gpts: int | tuple[int, int], margin: float | tuple[float, float] = 0.1 ): """ Convert the polar measurements to diffraction patterns by discretizing the polar bins on a regular grid. Parameters ---------- gpts : int or two int Number of grid points describing the diffraction patterns. margin : float or two float, optional The margin as a fraction of the outer angle of the polar measurements to add to the maximum angle of the diffraction patterns. Returns ------- diffraction_patterns : DiffractionPatterns """ if np.isscalar(gpts): gpts = (gpts,) * 2 if np.isscalar(margin): margin = (margin,) * 2 angular_sampling = ( (1 + margin[0]) * self.outer_angle / gpts[0] * 2, (1 + margin[1]) * self.outer_angle / gpts[1] * 2, ) nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal = self.base_shape regions = _polar_detector_bins( gpts=gpts, sampling=angular_sampling, inner=self.radial_offset, outer=self.outer_angle, nbins_radial=nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal=nbins_azimuthal, fftshift=True, rotation=self.azimuthal_offset, offset=(0.0, 0.0), return_indices=False, ) new_array = np.zeros(self.ensemble_shape + regions.shape, dtype=np.float32) for i, indices in enumerate(label_to_index(regions)): x, y = np.unravel_index(indices, regions.shape) radial, azimuthal = np.unravel_index(i, (nbins_radial, nbins_azimuthal)) new_array[..., x, y] = self.array[..., radial, azimuthal][..., None] new_array[..., regions < 0] = np.nan wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) sampling = ( angular_sampling[0] / (wavelength * 1e3), angular_sampling[1] / (wavelength * 1e3), ) return DiffractionPatterns( new_array, sampling=sampling, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
[docs] def differentials( self, direction_1: tuple[int | tuple[int, ...], int | tuple[int, ...]], direction_2: tuple[int | tuple[int, ...], int | tuple[int, ...]], return_complex: bool = True, ): """ Calculate the differential signal by subtracting the intensity of specified detector regions. Parameters ---------- direction_1 : tuple of int or tuple of tuple of int The detector regions used for calculating the differential signal for the first direction. The first item is the detector region(s) contributing to the positive term and the second item is the detector region(s) contributing to the negative terms. direction_2 : tuple of int or tuple of tuple of int The detector regions used for calculating the differential signal for the second direction. The first item is the detector region(s) contributing to the positive term and the second item is the detector region(s) contributing to the negative terms. return_complex : bool, optional If True, return a complex image where the real and imaginary part represents `direction_1` and `direction_2`. If False, return images with an ensemble dimension for the directions. Returns ------- differential_image : Images The (complex) differential image(s). """ differential_1 = self.integrate( detector_regions=direction_1[1] ) - self.integrate(detector_regions=direction_1[0]) differential_2 = self.integrate( detector_regions=direction_2[1] ) - self.integrate(detector_regions=direction_2[0]) if not return_complex: stacked = stack( (differential_1, differential_2), ("direction_1", "direction_2") ) return stacked xp = get_array_module(self.device) array = xp.zeros_like(differential_1.array, dtype=xp.complex64) array.real = differential_1.array array.imag = differential_2.array return differential_1.__class__( array, **differential_1._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) )
[docs] def to_image_ensemble(self): """ Convert the polar measurements to an ensemble of images, where the radial and azimuthal angles becomes ensemble axes. Returns ------- image_ensemble : Images """ image_axes = _scan_axes(self) xp = get_array_module(self.array) array = xp.moveaxis(self.array, image_axes, (-2, -1))[..., 0, :, :] ensemble_axes_metadata = [ axis.copy() for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes_metadata[:-1]) if i not in image_axes ] ensemble_axes_metadata[-1]._default_type = "range" sampling = _scan_sampling(self) return Images( array, sampling=(sampling[0], sampling[1]), ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self.metadata, )
[docs] def show( self, ax: Axes = None, gpts: int | tuple[int, int] = (512, 512), cbar: bool = False, cmap: str = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, power: float = 1.0, common_color_scale: bool = False, explode: bool | Sequence[bool] = (), overlay: bool | Sequence[int] = (), figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, title: bool | str = True, units: str = None, interact: bool = False, display: bool = True, ) -> Visualization: """ Show the image(s) using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- gpts : int or tuple of int, optional ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given the plots are added to the axis. This is not available for exploded plots. cbar : bool, optional Add colorbar(s) to the image(s). The size and padding of the colorbars may be adjusted using the `set_cbar_size` and `set_cbar_padding` methods. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. If the measurement is complex the colormap must be one of 'hsv' or 'hsluv'. vmin : float, optional Minimum of the intensity color scale. Default is the minimum of the array values. vmax : float, optional Maximum of the intensity color scale. Default is the maximum of the array values. power : float Show image on a power scale. common_color_scale : bool, optional If True all images in an image grid are shown on the same colorscale, and a single colorbar is created (if it is requested). Default is False. explode : bool, optional If True, a grid of images is created for all the items of the last two ensemble axes. If False, the first ensemble item is shown. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to create a grid of images from the specified axes. The default is determined by the axis metadata. figsize : two int, optional The figure size given as width and height in inches, passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.figure`. title : bool or str, optional Set the column title of the images. If True is given instead of a string the title will be given by the value corresponding to the "name" key of the axes metadata dictionary, if this item exists. units : str The units used for the x and y axes. The given units must be compatible with the axes of the images. interact : bool If True, create an interactive visualization. This requires enabling the ipympl Matplotlib backend. display : bool, optional If True (default) the figure is displayed immediately. Returns ------- measurement_visualization_2d : MeasurementVisualizationImshow """ diffraction_patterns = self.to_diffraction_patterns(gpts=gpts) if not interact: diffraction_patterns.compute() return ax=ax, cbar=cbar, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, power=power, common_color_scale=common_color_scale, explode=explode, overlay=overlay, figsize=figsize, title=title, units=units, interact=interact, display=display, )
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True) def calculate_max_reciprocal_space_vector(hkl, reciprocal_lattice_vectors): k_max = 0.0 for i in range(len(hkl)): lengths = ( ( hkl[i, 0] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 0, :] + hkl[i, 1] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 1, :] + hkl[i, 2] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 2, :] ) ** 2 ).sum(-1) if hasattr(lengths, "max"): lengths = lengths.max() k_max = max(k_max, lengths) return np.sqrt(k_max)
[docs] @jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, fastmath=True, parallel=True) def reciprocal_lattice_vector_mask(mask, hkl, reciprocal_lattice_vectors, k_max): for i in prange(len(hkl)): # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable lengths = ( ( hkl[i, 0] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 0, :] + hkl[i, 1] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 1, :] + hkl[i, 2] * reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., 2, :] ) ** 2 ).sum(-1) include = lengths < k_max**2 if hasattr(lengths, "any"): include = include.any() mask[i] = include return mask
[docs] class IndexedDiffractionPatterns(BaseMeasurements): """ Diffraction patterns indexed by their Miller indices. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray 1D or greater array of type `float` or `complex`. The last axis represents the diffraction spots and should have the same length as the number of miller indices, any preceding axis represents an ensemble axis. miller_indices : np.ndarray The miller indices of the diffraction spots as an N x 3 array where N is the number of miller indices. The order of the miller indices must correspond to the array of intensities. The second axis represents each hkl miller index. reciprocal_lattice_vectors : np.ndarray The reciprocal lattice vectors of the crystal as a 3 x 3 array. The first axis represents miller indices and the order of the items must correspond to the array of intensities. The second axis represents the reciprocal space positions in x, y and z [1/Å]. ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata, optional List of metadata associated with the ensemble axes. The length and item order must match the ensemble axes. metadata : dict, optional A dictionary defining measurement metadata. """ _base_dims = 1
[docs] def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, miller_indices: np.ndarray, reciprocal_lattice_vectors: np.ndarray, ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata] = None, metadata: dict = None, ): if len(reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape) <= len(array.shape): reciprocal_lattice_vectors = reciprocal_lattice_vectors[ (None,) * (len(reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape) - len(array.shape) + 1) ] # if not is_broadcastable(array.shape[:-1], reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape[:-2]): # raise ValueError() # if not len(miller_indices) == reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape[-3]: # raise ValueError( # "The number of miller indices and reciprocal space positions must be equal." # ) if not len(miller_indices) == array.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( "The number of miller indices must be equal to the number of diffraction spots." ) super().__init__( array=array, ensemble_axes_metadata=ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=metadata, ) self._miller_indices = miller_indices self._intensities = array self._reciprocal_lattice_vectors = reciprocal_lattice_vectors
[docs] def from_array_and_metadata( self, array: np.ndarray, axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], metadata: dict ) -> "T": raise NotImplementedError
def _area_per_pixel(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def base_axes_metadata(self) -> list: return [AxisMetadata(label="hkl")] @property def intensities(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Intensities of the diffraction spots. """ return self._array @property def reciprocal_lattice_vectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Reciprocal lattice vectors of the diffraction spots. """ return self._reciprocal_lattice_vectors @property def positions(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Reciprocal space positions of the diffraction spots. """ positions = self.miller_indices @ self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors return positions @property def all_positions(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Reciprocal space positions of the diffraction spots. """ repeats = () for n, m in zip(self.shape[:-1], self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape[:-2]): if n == m: repeats += (1,) elif m == 1: repeats += (n,) else: raise RuntimeError("Incompatible shapes.") positions = np.tile(self.positions, repeats + (1, 1)) return positions @property def miller_indices(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Miller indices of the diffraction spots. """ return self._miller_indices @property def angular_positions(self): """ Scattering angles of the diffraction spots. """ wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) return self.positions * wavelength * 1e3 @property def ensemble_shape(self) -> tuple: return self.intensities.shape[:-1] @classmethod def _pack_kwargs(cls, kwargs): kwargs["miller_indices"] = [tuple(hkl) for hkl in kwargs["miller_indices"]] kwargs["positions"] = [ (float(position[0]), float(position[1]), float(position[2])) for position in kwargs["positions"] ] return super()._pack_kwargs(kwargs) @classmethod def _unpack_kwargs(cls, attrs): kwargs = super()._unpack_kwargs(attrs) kwargs["miller_indices"] = np.array(kwargs["miller_indices"], dtype=int) return kwargs def __getitem__(self, items): items = self._validate_items(items) kwargs = self.get_items(items) new_items = () for i, n in zip(items, self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape): if n == 1: if isinstance(i, int): new_items += (0,) else: new_items += (slice(None),) else: new_items += (i,) # items = tuple( # 0 if (isinstance(i, int) and (n == 1)) else slice(None) # for i, n in zip(items, self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors.shape) # ) kwargs["reciprocal_lattice_vectors"] = self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors[ new_items ] return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def remove_low_intensity(self, threshold: float = 1e-3): """ Remove diffraction spots with intensity below a threshold for all ensemble dimensions. Parameters ---------- threshold : float Intensity threshold for removing diffraction spots. Returns ------- thresholded_spots : IndexedDiffractionPatterns The indexed diffraction spots with an intensity above the given threshold. """ if self.is_lazy: raise RuntimeError("Cannot threshold lazy IndexedDiffractionPatterns.") ensemble_axes = tuple(range(self.ensemble_dims)) xp = get_array_module(self.intensities) mask = xp.max(self.intensities, axis=ensemble_axes) > threshold mask = asnumpy(mask) miller_indices = self.miller_indices[mask] intensities = self.intensities[..., mask] return self.__class__( intensities, miller_indices, reciprocal_lattice_vectors=self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def sort(self, criterion: str = "distance"): """ Sort the diffraction spots according to a given criterion. Parameters ---------- criterion : {'distance', 'intensity'} The boundary parameter determines how the images are extended beyond their boundaries when the filter overlaps with a border. ``distance`` : Sort according to the distance in reciprocal space from the zero frequency. ``intensity`` : Sort according to the intensity of the diffraction spots. Returns ------- sorted_spots : IndexedDiffractionPatterns """ if self.lazy: raise RuntimeError("Cannot sort lazy IndexedDiffractionPatterns.") if criterion == "distance": criterion = -np.linalg.norm(self.positions, axis=1) elif criterion == "intensity": ensemble_axes = tuple(range(len(self.ensemble_shape))) criterion = -np.max(self.intensities, axis=ensemble_axes) else: raise ValueError() order = np.argsort(criterion) array = self.array[..., order] miller_indices = self.miller_indices[order] reciprocal_lattice_vectors = self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors[..., order, :, :] return self.__class__( array, miller_indices, reciprocal_lattice_vectors=reciprocal_lattice_vectors, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def crop(self, max_angle: float = None, k_max: float = None): """ Crop the indexed diffraction patterns such that they only include spots with spatial frequencies (scattering angles) up to a given limit. Parameters ---------- max_angle : float, optional The maximum included scattering angle in the cropped diffraction patterns. k_max : float, optional The maximum included reciprocal lattice vector in the cropped diffraction spots. Returns ------- cropped : IndexedDiffractionPatterns """ if max_angle is not None and k_max is None: wavelength = energy2wavelength(self._get_from_metadata("energy")) k_max = max_angle / wavelength / 1e3 elif not k_max or max_angle: raise ValueError("Either 'max_angle' or 'k_max' must be given.") mask = np.zeros(len(self.miller_indices), dtype=bool) mask = reciprocal_lattice_vector_mask( mask, self.miller_indices.astype(self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors.dtype), self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors, k_max, ) miller_indices = self.miller_indices[mask] array = self.array[..., mask] return self.__class__( array, miller_indices, reciprocal_lattice_vectors=self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def normalize_to_spot(self, spot: tuple[int, int, int] = None): """ Normalize the intensity of the diffraction spots. Parameters ---------- spot : tuple of three int The intensities will be normalized with respect to the intensity of this spot. Defaults to the most intense spot. Returns ------- normalized_indexed_diffraction_patterns : IndexedDiffractionPatterns """ intensities_dict = self.intensities_dict if spot is None: c = np.max(self.intensities) else: c = intensities_dict[spot] intensities = self.intensities / c return self.__class__( intensities, self.miller_indices.copy(), self.positions.copy(), ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def to_data_array(self): """ Convert the indexed diffraction patterns to xarray DataArray. Returns ------- data_array_of_indexed_spots : xarray.DataArray """ import xarray coords = [] for axes_metadata, n in zip(self.ensemble_axes_metadata, self.ensemble_shape): coords.append(list(axes_metadata.coordinates(n))) coords.append(["{} {} {}".format(*hkl) for hkl in self.miller_indices]) dims = [ axes_metadata.label for axes_metadata in self.ensemble_axes_metadata ] + ["hkl"] data = xarray.DataArray( self.array, coords=coords, dims=dims, attrs={ "long_name": "intensity", "units": self.metadata.get("units", "arb. unit"), }, ) return data
def _miller_indices_to_string(self): return ["{} {} {}".format(*hkl) for hkl in self.miller_indices]
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """ Convert the indexed diffraction patterns to pandas DataFrame. Returns ------- data_frame : pd.DataFrame """ import pandas as pd if self.ensemble_shape: if len(self.ensemble_shape) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "cannot convert indexed diffraction patterns with more than one ensemble axis to" "dataframe" ) intensities = { hkl: self.intensities[..., i] for i, hkl in enumerate(self._miller_indices_to_string()) } axes_metadata = self.ensemble_axes_metadata[0] if hasattr(axes_metadata, "values"): index = axes_metadata.values else: index = list(range(len(self.intensities))) df = pd.DataFrame(intensities, index=index) with config.set({"visualize.use_tex": False}): = self.axes_metadata[0].format_label() = self.axes_metadata[1].format_label() return df else: intensities = { hkl: intensity for hkl, intensity in zip( self._miller_indices_to_string(), self.intensities ) } return pd.DataFrame(intensities, index=[0])
[docs] def block_direct(self): """ Remove the zero-order spot. Returns ------- blocked : IndexedDiffractionPatterns The indexed diffraction spots without the zero-order spot. """ to_delete = np.where(np.all(self.miller_indices == 0, axis=1))[0] miller_indices = np.delete(self.miller_indices, to_delete, axis=0) intensities = np.delete(self.intensities, to_delete, axis=-1) return self.__class__( intensities, miller_indices, reciprocal_lattice_vectors=self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors, ensemble_axes_metadata=self.ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata=self._metadata, )
def max_reciprocal_space_vector_length(self): return calculate_max_reciprocal_space_vector( self.miller_indices, self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors )
[docs] def show( self, ax: Axes = None, cbar: bool = False, cmap: str = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, power: float = 1.0, common_color_scale: bool = False, scale: float = 0.5, explode: bool | Sequence[bool] = (), overlay: bool | Sequence[bool] = (), figsize: tuple[int, int] = None, title: bool | str = True, units: str = None, interact: bool = False, display: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Show the diffraction spots as an EllipseCollection using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given the plots are added to the axis. This is not available for exploded plots. cbar : bool, optional Add colorbar(s) to the image(s). The size and padding of the colorbars may be adjusted using the `set_cbar_size` and `set_cbar_padding` methods. cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. If the measurement is complex the colormap must be one of 'hsv' or 'hsluv'. vmin : float, optional Minimum of the intensity color scale. Default is the minimum of the array values. vmax : float, optional Maximum of the intensity color scale. Default is the maximum of the array values. power : float Show diffraction spots intensities on a power scale. common_color_scale : bool, optional If True all images in an image grid are shown on the same colorscale, and a single colorbar is created (if it is requested). Default is False. scale : float, optional Scale the radii of the circles representing the diffraction spots. explode : bool or sequence of bool, optional If True, a grid of plots is created for all the items of the last two ensemble axes. If False, the first ensemble item is shown. May be given as a sequence of axis indices to create a grid of plots from the specified axes. The default is determined by the axis metadata. figsize : two int, optional The figure size given as width and height in inches, passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.figure`. title : bool or str, optional Set the column title of the plots. If True is given instead of a string the title will be given by the value corresponding to the "name" key of the axes metadata dictionary, if this item exists. units : str The units used for the x and y axes. The given units must be compatible with the axes of the plots. interact : bool If True, create an interactive visualization. This requires enabling the ipympl Matplotlib backend. display : bool, optional If True (default) the figure is displayed immediately. Returns ------- visualization : Visualization """ k_max = self.max_reciprocal_space_vector_length() * _get_conversion_factor( units, "1/Å", self.metadata.get("energy", None) ) xlim = [-k_max, k_max] ylim = [-k_max, k_max] visualization = Visualization( measurement=self, ax=ax, common_scale=common_color_scale, figsize=figsize, title=title, aspect=True, share_x=True, share_y=True, explode=explode, overlay=overlay, interactive=not interact and display, value_limits=(vmin, vmax), power=power, cmap=cmap, cbar=cbar, scale=scale, units=units, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, **kwargs, ) if interact: gui = visualization.interact(ScatterGUI, display=display) return visualization
@property def intensities_dict(self) -> Dict[tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]: """ A dictionary mapping miller indices to intensities. """ intensities = { tuple(hkl): intensity for hkl, intensity in zip( self.miller_indices, np.moveaxis(self.intensities, -1, 0), ) } values = np.zeros(self.shape[:-1], dtype=np.float32) intensities = defaultdict(lambda: values, intensities) return intensities @property def positions_dict(self) -> Dict[tuple[int, int, int], np.ndarray]: """ A dictionary mapping miller indices to reciprocal space positions [1/Å]. """ positions = { tuple(hkl): position for hkl, position in zip( self.miller_indices, np.moveaxis(self.reciprocal_lattice_vectors, -2, 0), ) } return positions @classmethod def _stack( cls, diffraction_spots: IndexedDiffractionPatterns, axis_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], axis: int, ): intensities = [spots.intensities_dict for spots in diffraction_spots] # positions = [spots.positions_dict for spots in diffraction_spots] # def merge_dicts_no_overwrite(dict1, dict2): # return {**dict1, **{k: v for k, v in dict2.items() if k not in dict1}} # merged = {} # for positions1 in positions: # merged = merge_dicts_no_overwrite(merged, positions1) # positions = [ # merge_dicts_no_overwrite(positions1, merged) for positions1 in positions # ] miller_indices = list( set(itertools.chain(*[intensities1.keys() for intensities1 in intensities])) ) new_intensities = {} # new_positions = {} for hkl in miller_indices: new_intensities[hkl] = [] # new_positions[hkl] = [] for intensities1 in intensities: new_intensities[hkl].append(intensities1[hkl]) # new_positions[hkl].append(positions1[hkl]) new_intensities[hkl] = np.stack(new_intensities[hkl], axis=axis) # new_positions[hkl] = np.stack(new_positions[hkl], axis=axis) miller_indices = np.stack(list(new_intensities.keys()), axis=0) # positions = np.stack(list(new_positions.values()), axis=-2) intensities = np.stack(list(new_intensities.values()), axis=-1) positions = np.stack( [spots.reciprocal_lattice_vectors for spots in diffraction_spots], axis=0 ) ensemble_axes_metadata = [ axis_metadata.copy() for axis_metadata in diffraction_spots[0].ensemble_axes_metadata ] ensemble_axes_metadata.insert(axis, axis_metadata) metadata = diffraction_spots[0].metadata return IndexedDiffractionPatterns( intensities, miller_indices, positions, ensemble_axes_metadata, metadata )