Source code for abtem.multislice

"""Module for running the multislice algorithm."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from bisect import bisect_left
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms

from abtem.antialias import AntialiasAperture
from abtem.antialias import antialias_aperture
from abtem.core import config
from abtem.core.axes import AxisMetadata
from abtem.core.backend import get_array_module
from abtem.core.chunks import validate_chunks
from abtem.core.complex import complex_exponential
from abtem.core.diagnostics import TqdmWrapper
from import energy2wavelength
from abtem.core.ensemble import _wrap_with_array, unpack_blockwise_args
from abtem.core.fft import fft2_convolve, CachedFFTWConvolution
from abtem.core.grid import spatial_frequencies
from abtem.core.utils import expand_dims_to_broadcast
from abtem.detectors import BaseDetector, _validate_detectors, WavesDetector
from abtem.inelastic.core_loss import (
from abtem.inelastic.plasmons import _update_plasmon_axes
from abtem.measurements import BaseMeasurements
from abtem.potentials.iam import (
from abtem.finite_difference import LaplaceOperator
from abtem.finite_difference import multislice_step as realspace_multislice_step
from abtem.slicing import SliceIndexedAtoms
from abtem.tilt import _get_tilt_axes
from abtem.transform import ArrayObjectTransform

    from abtem.waves import Waves

def _fresnel_propagator_array(
    thickness: float,
    gpts: tuple[int, int],
    sampling: tuple[float, float],
    energy: float,
    device: str,
    xp = get_array_module(device)
    wavelength = energy2wavelength(energy)
    kx, ky = spatial_frequencies(gpts, sampling, xp=xp)
    kx, ky = kx[:, None], ky[None]

    f = complex_exponential(
        -(kx**2) * np.pi * thickness * wavelength
    ) * complex_exponential(-(ky**2) * np.pi * thickness * wavelength)
    return f

def _apply_tilt_to_fresnel_propagator_array(
    array: np.ndarray,
    sampling: tuple[float, float],
    thickness: float,
    tilt: tuple[float, float] | tuple[tuple[float, float], ...],
    xp = get_array_module(array)
    tilt = xp.array(tilt)

    remove_first_dim = False
    if tilt.shape == (2,):
        remove_first_dim = True

    kx, ky = spatial_frequencies(array.shape[-2:], sampling, xp=xp)
    kx, ky = kx[None, :, None], ky[None, None]

    tilt = complex_exponential(
        -kx * xp.tan(tilt[:, 0, None, None] / 1e3) * thickness * 2 * np.pi
    ) * complex_exponential(
        -ky * xp.tan(tilt[:, 1, None, None] / 1e3) * thickness * 2 * np.pi

    tilt, array = expand_dims_to_broadcast(tilt, array, match_dims=[(-2, -1), (-2, -1)])

    array = tilt * array

    if remove_first_dim:
        array = array[0]

    return array

[docs] class FresnelPropagator: """ The Fresnel propagator is used for propagating wave functions using the near-field approximation (Fresnel diffraction). """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._array = None self._key = None self._cached_fftw_convolution = CachedFFTWConvolution()
def get_array(self, waves: Waves, thickness: float) -> np.ndarray: key = ( waves.gpts, waves.sampling, thickness, waves.base_tilt,, waves.device, ) tilt_axes = _get_tilt_axes(waves) tilt_axes_metadata = [waves.ensemble_axes_metadata[i] for i in tilt_axes] if tilt_axes: key += (copy.deepcopy(tilt_axes_metadata),) if key == self._key: return self._array self._array = self._calculate_array(waves, thickness) self._key = key return self._array @staticmethod def _calculate_array(waves: Waves, thickness: float) -> np.ndarray: array = _fresnel_propagator_array( thickness=thickness, gpts=waves.gpts, sampling=waves.sampling,, device=waves.device, ) array *= antialias_aperture( waves.gpts, waves.sampling, get_array_module(waves.device), ) if waves.base_tilt != (0.0, 0.0): array = _apply_tilt_to_fresnel_propagator_array( array, sampling=waves.sampling, thickness=thickness, tilt=waves.base_tilt, ) xp = get_array_module(waves.device) tilt_axes = _get_tilt_axes(waves) if not tilt_axes: return array for axis in waves.ensemble_axes_metadata: if hasattr(axis, "tilt"): tilt = xp.array(axis.tilt) array = _apply_tilt_to_fresnel_propagator_array( array, sampling=waves.sampling, tilt=tilt, thickness=thickness ) else: array = array[..., None, :, :] return array
[docs] def propagate( self, waves: Waves, thickness: float, in_place: bool = False ) -> Waves: """ Propagate wave functions through free space. Parameters ---------- waves : Waves The wave functions to propagate. thickness : float Distance in free space to propagate. in_place : bool If True, the waves are overwritten. Returns ------- propagated_wave_functions : Waves Propagated wave functions. """ kernel = self.get_array(waves, thickness) if (config.get("fft") == "fftw") and isinstance(waves._array, np.ndarray): array = self._cached_fftw_convolution( waves._array, kernel, overwrite_x=in_place ) else: array = fft2_convolve(waves._array, kernel, overwrite_x=in_place) if in_place: waves._array = array else: kwargs = waves._copy_kwargs(exclude=("array",)) waves = waves.__class__(array, **kwargs) return waves
def _allocate_measurement( waves: Waves, detector: BaseDetector, extra_ensemble_axes_shape: tuple[int, ...], extra_ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], ) -> BaseMeasurements | Waves: xp = get_array_module(detector._out_meta(waves)) measurement_type = detector._out_type(waves) axes_metadata = detector._out_axes_metadata(waves) shape = detector._out_shape(waves) if extra_ensemble_axes_shape is not None: assert len(extra_ensemble_axes_shape) == len(extra_ensemble_axes_shape) shape = extra_ensemble_axes_shape + shape axes_metadata = extra_ensemble_axes_metadata + axes_metadata metadata = detector._out_metadata(waves) array = xp.zeros(shape, dtype=detector._out_dtype(waves)) return measurement_type.from_array_and_metadata( array=array, axes_metadata=axes_metadata, metadata=metadata ) def _potential_ensemble_shape_and_metadata(potential): if potential is None: return () extra_ensemble_axes_shape = potential.ensemble_shape extra_ensemble_axes_metadata = potential.ensemble_axes_metadata if len(potential.exit_planes) > 1: extra_ensemble_axes_shape = ( *extra_ensemble_axes_shape, len(potential.exit_planes), ) extra_ensemble_axes_metadata = [ *extra_ensemble_axes_metadata, potential._get_exit_planes_axes_metadata(), ] return extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata
[docs] def allocate_multislice_measurements( waves: Waves, detectors: list[BaseDetector], extra_ensemble_axes_shape: tuple[int, ...], extra_ensemble_axes_metadata: list[AxisMetadata], ) -> list[BaseMeasurements | Waves]: """ Allocate the multislice measurements that would be produced by detecting the given set of wave functions with the given set of detectors. Parameters ---------- waves : Waves The waves to derive the allocated measurement from. detectors : list of BaseDetector The detectors to derive the allocated measurement from. extra_ensemble_axes_shape : tuple of int, optional The shape of additional ensemble axes not in the waves. extra_ensemble_axes_metadata : list of AxisMetadata The axes metadata of additional ensemble axes not in the waves. Returns ------- allocated_measurements : list List of allocated to measurements. """ measurements = [] for detector in detectors: measurements.append( _allocate_measurement( waves, detector, extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata ) ) return measurements
[docs] def conventional_multislice_step( waves: Waves, potential_slice: PotentialArray | TransmissionFunction, propagator: FresnelPropagator, antialias_aperture: AntialiasAperture, conjugate: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, ) -> Waves: """ Calculate one step of the multislice algorithm for the given batch of wave functions through a given potential slice. Parameters ---------- waves : Waves A batch of wave functions as a :class:`.Waves` object. potential_slice : PotentialArray or TransmissionFunction A potential slice as a :class:`.PotentialArray` or :class:`.TransmissionFunction`. propagator : FresnelPropagator, optional A Fresnel propagator type matching the wave functions. The main reason for using this argument is to reuse a previously calculated propagator. If not provided a new propagator is created. antialias_aperture : AntialiasAperture, optional An antialias aperture type matching the wave functions. The main reason for using this argument is to reuse a previously calculated antialias aperture. If not provided a new antialias aperture is created. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the conjugate of the transmission function (default is False). transpose : bool, optional If True, reverse the order of propagation and transmission (default is False). Returns ------- forward_stepped_waves : Waves Wave functions propagated and transmitted through the potential slice. """ if waves.device != potential_slice.device: potential_slice = potential_slice.copy_to_device(device=waves.device) if isinstance(potential_slice, TransmissionFunction): transmission_function = potential_slice else: transmission_function = potential_slice.transmission_function( ) transmission_function = antialias_aperture.bandlimit( transmission_function, in_place=False ) thickness = transmission_function.slice_thickness[0] if conjugate: thickness = -thickness if transpose: waves = propagator.propagate(waves, thickness=thickness, in_place=True) waves = transmission_function.transmit(waves, conjugate=conjugate) else: waves = transmission_function.transmit(waves, conjugate=conjugate) waves = propagator.propagate(waves, thickness=thickness, in_place=True) return waves
def _update_measurements( waves: Waves, detectors: list[BaseDetector], measurements: list[BaseMeasurements], measurement_index, additive: bool = False, ): if measurements is None: return assert len(detectors) == len(measurements) for i, detector in enumerate(detectors): new_measurement = detector.detect(waves) if additive: measurements[i].array[measurement_index] += new_measurement.array else: measurements[i].array[measurement_index] = new_measurement.array return measurements def _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( potential_index: int | tuple[int, ...], exit_plane_index: int | tuple[int, ...], potential: BasePotential, ) -> tuple[int, ...]: if not potential.ensemble_shape: potential_index = () elif not isinstance(potential_index, tuple): potential_index = (potential_index,) if len(potential.exit_planes) == 1: exit_plane_index = () elif not isinstance(exit_plane_index, tuple): exit_plane_index = (exit_plane_index,) measurement_indices = potential_index + exit_plane_index return measurement_indices def _generate_potential_configurations(potential): for potential_index, _, potential_configuration in potential.generate_blocks(): potential_configuration = potential_configuration.item() if len(potential.ensemble_shape): potential_index = np.unravel_index( potential_index, potential.ensemble_shape ) yield potential_index, potential_configuration
[docs] def multislice_and_detect( waves: Waves, potential: BasePotential, detectors: list[BaseDetector] = None, conjugate: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, pbar: bool = False, method: str = "conventional", **kwargs, ) -> list[BaseMeasurements | Waves] | BaseMeasurements | Waves: """ Calculate the full multislice algorithm for the given batch of wave functions through a given potential, detecting at each of the exit planes specified in the potential. Parameters ---------- waves : Waves A batch of wave functions as a :class:`.Waves` object. potential : BasePotential A potential as :class:`.BasePotential` object. detectors : (list of) BaseDetector, optional A detector or a list of detectors defining how the wave functions should be converted to measurements after running the multislice algorithm. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the complex conjugate of the transmission function (default is False). transpose : bool, optional If True, reverse the order of propagation and transmission (default is False). Returns ------- measurements : Waves or tuple of :class:`.BaseMeasurement` Exit waves or detected measurements or lists of measurements. """ waves = waves.ensure_real_space() detectors = _validate_detectors(detectors) waves = waves.copy() if method in ("conventional", "fft"): antialias_aperture = AntialiasAperture() propagator = FresnelPropagator() def multislice_step(waves, potential_slice): return conventional_multislice_step( waves, potential_slice=potential_slice, antialias_aperture=antialias_aperture, propagator=propagator, conjugate=conjugate, transpose=transpose, ) elif method in ("realspace",): derivative_accuracy = kwargs.get("derivative_accuracy", 6) laplace_operator = LaplaceOperator(derivative_accuracy) max_terms = kwargs.get("max_terms", 80) def multislice_step(waves, potential_slice): return realspace_multislice_step( waves, potential_slice=potential_slice, laplace=laplace_operator, max_terms=max_terms, ) else: raise ValueError() ( extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata, ) = _potential_ensemble_shape_and_metadata(potential) if sum(extra_ensemble_axes_shape) == 1: measurements = None else: measurements = allocate_multislice_measurements( waves, detectors, extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata, ) n_waves =[:-2]) n_slices = n_waves * potential.num_slices * potential.num_configurations pbar = TqdmWrapper(enabled=pbar, total=int(n_slices), leave=False) for potential_index, potential_configuration in _generate_potential_configurations( potential ): exit_plane_index = 0 if potential.exit_planes[0] == -1: measurement_index = _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( potential_index, exit_plane_index, potential ) measurements = _update_measurements( waves, detectors, measurements, measurement_index ) exit_plane_index += 1 depth = 0.0 for potential_slice in potential_configuration.generate_slices(): waves = multislice_step( waves, potential_slice, # conjugate=conjugate, # transpose=transpose, ) pbar.update_if_exists(int(n_waves)) depth += potential_slice.axes_metadata[0].values[0] _update_plasmon_axes(waves, depth) if potential_slice.exit_planes: measurement_index = _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( potential_index, exit_plane_index, potential ) measurements = _update_measurements( waves, detectors, measurements, measurement_index ) exit_plane_index += 1 if measurements is None: measurements = [ detector.detect(waves)[(None,) * len(potential.ensemble_shape)] for detector in detectors ] # measurements[0] += potential.num_slices pbar.close_if_exists() return measurements
[docs] def transition_potential_multislice_and_detect( waves: Waves, potential: BasePotential, transition_potential: BaseTransitionPotential, detectors: list[BaseDetector] = None, detectors_elastic: list[BaseDetector] = None, double_channel: bool = True, threshold: float = 1.0, sites: SliceIndexedAtoms | Atoms = None, conjugate: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, pbar=None, ) -> list[BaseMeasurements | Waves] | BaseMeasurements | Waves: """ Calculate the full multislice algorithm for the given batch of wave functions through a given potential, detecting at each of the exit planes specified in the potential. Parameters ---------- waves : Waves A batch of wave functions as a :class:`.Waves` object. potential : BasePotential A potential as :class:`.BasePotential` object. detectors : (list of) BaseDetector, optional A detector or a list of detectors defining how the wave functions should be converted to measurements after running the multislice algorithm. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the complex conjugate of the transmission function (default is False). transpose : bool, optional If True, reverse the order of propagation and transmission (default is False). Returns ------- measurements : Waves or tuple of :class:`.BaseMeasurement` Exit waves or detected measurements or lists of measurements. """ def _update_loss_measurements( measurements, waves, detectors, potential, slice_index, potential_index ): if slice_index in potential.exit_planes: exit_plane_index = potential.exit_planes.index(slice_index) measurement_index = _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( potential_index, exit_plane_index, potential ) for i, detector in enumerate(detectors): new_measurement = detector.detect(waves) new_measurement = new_measurement.sum((0,)) measurements[i].array[measurement_index] += new_measurement.array waves = waves.ensure_real_space() antialias_aperture = AntialiasAperture() propagator = FresnelPropagator() if detectors is None: detectors = [WavesDetector()] ( extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata, ) = _potential_ensemble_shape_and_metadata(potential) measurements = allocate_multislice_measurements( waves, detectors, extra_ensemble_axes_shape, extra_ensemble_axes_metadata, ) transition_potential.grid.match(waves) transition_potential.accelerator.match(waves) if hasattr(transition_potential, "build"): transition_potential = transition_potential = transition_potential.copy_to_device(waves.device) if sites is None and hasattr(potential, "get_sliced_atoms"): sites = potential.get_sliced_atoms() elif sites is None and hasattr(potential, "atoms"): sites = potential.atoms if isinstance(sites, Atoms): sites = SliceIndexedAtoms(sites, slice_thickness=potential.slice_thickness) elif not isinstance(sites, SliceIndexedAtoms): raise ValueError() n_sites = np.sum(sites.atoms.numbers == transition_potential.Z) if n_sites == 0: raise RuntimeError( f"No scattering sites matching transition potential for element {transition_potential.Z}" ) absolute_threshold = transition_potential.absolute_threshold( waves, threshold=threshold ) n_waves =[:-2]) n_slices = n_waves * potential.num_slices * potential.num_configurations pbar = TqdmWrapper(enabled=pbar, total=n_slices, leave=False) for ( potential_index, potential_configuration, ) in _generate_potential_configurations(potential): if potential.exit_planes[0] == -1: measurement_index = _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( potential_index, 0, potential ) measurements = _update_measurements( waves, detectors, measurements, measurement_index ) depth = 0.0 for scatter_index, potential_slice in enumerate( potential_configuration.generate_slices() ): waves = conventional_multislice_step( waves, potential_slice, propagator, antialias_aperture, conjugate=conjugate, transpose=transpose, ) depth += potential_slice.axes_metadata[0].values[0] _update_plasmon_axes(waves, depth) sites_slice = sites.get_atoms_in_slices( scatter_index, atomic_number=transition_potential.Z ) pbar.update_if_exists(n_waves) if len(sites_slice) == 0: continue for ( included_sites, scattered_waves, ) in transition_potential.generate_scattered_waves( waves, sites_slice, max_batch=1, threshold=absolute_threshold ): if len(scattered_waves) == 0: continue if double_channel: _update_loss_measurements( measurements, scattered_waves, detectors, potential, scatter_index, potential_index, ) # if scatter_index + 1 == len(potential): # break for inner_slice_index, inner_potential_slice in enumerate( potential_configuration.generate_slices( first_slice=scatter_index + 1 ) ): scattered_waves = conventional_multislice_step( scattered_waves, inner_potential_slice, propagator, antialias_aperture, conjugate=conjugate, transpose=transpose, ) _update_plasmon_axes(waves, depth) _update_loss_measurements( measurements, scattered_waves, detectors, potential, inner_slice_index + scatter_index + 1, potential_index, ) else: exit_plane_index = bisect_left(potential.exit_planes, scatter_index) exit_planes = slice(exit_plane_index, len(potential.exit_planes)) if len(potential.exit_planes) > 1: measurement_index = (exit_planes,) else: measurement_index = () for i, detector in enumerate(detectors): new_measurement = detector.detect(scattered_waves).sum((0,)) measurements[i].array[ measurement_index ] += new_measurement.array[(None,) * len(measurement_index)] # np.exp((potential.thickness - depth) / 700) pbar.close_if_exists() return measurements
# def transition_potential_multislice_and_detect( # waves: Waves, # potential: BasePotential, # detectors: list[BaseDetector], # sites, # transition_potentials, # conjugate: bool = False, # transpose: bool = False, # ) -> tuple[BaseMeasurements | Waves, ...] | BaseMeasurements | Waves: # """ # Calculate the full multislice algorithm for the given batch of wave functions through a given potential, detecting # at each of the exit planes specified in the potential. # # Parameters # ---------- # waves : Waves # A batch of wave functions as a :class:`.Waves` object. # potential : BasePotential # A potential as :class:`BasePotential` object. # detectors : (list of) BaseDetector, optional # A detector or a list of detectors defining how the wave functions should be converted to measurements after # running the multislice algorithm. # conjugate : bool, optional # If True, use the conjugate of the transmission function (default is False). # transpose : bool, optional # If True, reverse the order of propagation and transmission (default is False). # # Returns # ------- # measurements : Waves or (list of) :class:`.BaseMeasurement` # Exit waves or detected measurements or lists of measurements. # """ # # antialias_aperture = AntialiasAperture() # propagator = FresnelPropagator() # # measurements = allocate_multislice_measurements( # waves, # detectors, # potential, # ) # # for potential_index, _, potential_configuration in potential.generate_blocks(): # slice_generator = potential_configuration.generate_slices() # # for scatter_index, (scatter_slice, sites_slice) in enumerate( # zip(slice_generator, sites) # ): # # waves = multislice_step( # waves, # scatter_slice, # propagator, # antialias_aperture, # conjugate=conjugate, # transpose=transpose, # ) # # sites_slice = transition_potentials.validate_sites(sites_slice) # # for _, scattered_waves in transition_potentials.generate_scattered_waves( # waves, sites_slice # ): # # for depth, potential_slice in potential_configuration.generate_slices( # first_slice=scatter_index, return_depth=True # ): # # scattered_waves = multislice_step( # scattered_waves, # potential_slice, # propagator, # antialias_aperture, # conjugate=conjugate, # transpose=transpose, # ) # # if potential_slice.exit_planes: # exit_plane_index = np.searchsorted( # potential.exit_thicknesses, depth - 1e-6 # ) # # measurement_index = _validate_potential_ensemble_indices( # potential_index, exit_plane_index, potential_configuration # ) # # for detector in detectors: # new_measurement = detector.detect(scattered_waves).mean(0) # measurements[detector].array[ # measurement_index # ] += new_measurement.array # # measurements = tuple(measurements.values()) # return measurements
[docs] class MultisliceTransform(ArrayObjectTransform): """ Transformation applying the multislice algorithm to wave functions, producing new wave functions or measurements. Parameters ---------- potential : BasePotential A potential as :class:`.BasePotential` object. detectors : (list of) BaseDetector, optional A detector or a list of detectors defining how the wave functions should be converted to measurements after running the multislice algorithm. conjugate : bool, optional If True, use the complex conjugate of the transmission function (default is False). transpose : bool, optional If True, reverse the order of propagation and transmission (default is False). """
[docs] def __init__( self, potential: BasePotential, detectors: BaseDetector | list[BaseDetector] = None, conjugate: bool = False, transpose: bool = False, multislice_func: callable = None, **multislice_func_kwargs, ): if multislice_func is None: multislice_func = multislice_and_detect potential = _validate_potential(potential) self._potential = potential detectors = _validate_detectors(detectors) if not "pbar" in multislice_func_kwargs.keys(): multislice_func_kwargs["pbar"] = config.get( "local_diagnostics.task_level_progress", False ) self._detectors = detectors self._conjugate = conjugate self._transpose = transpose self._multislice_func = multislice_func self._multislice_func_kwargs = multislice_func_kwargs
@property def multislice_func(self) -> callable: return self._multislice_func @property def _num_outputs(self): return len(self._detectors) @property def potential(self) -> BasePotential: """Electrostatic potential for each multislice slice.""" return self._potential @property def detectors(self) -> list[BaseDetector]: """List of detectors defining how the wave functions should be converted to measurements.""" return self._detectors @property def conjugate(self) -> bool: """Use the complex conjugate of the transmission function.""" return self._conjugate @property def transpose(self) -> bool: """Reverse the order of propagation and transmission.""" return self._transpose @property def _default_ensemble_chunks(self): chunks = self._potential._default_ensemble_chunks num_exit_planes = len(self._potential.exit_planes) chunks = chunks + (num_exit_planes,) return chunks @property def ensemble_axes_metadata(self): ensemble_axes_metadata = self.potential.ensemble_axes_metadata exit_planes_metadata = self.potential._get_exit_planes_axes_metadata() if len(self.potential.exit_planes) == 1: exit_planes_metadata._squeeze = True ensemble_axes_metadata = [ *ensemble_axes_metadata, exit_planes_metadata, ] return ensemble_axes_metadata @property def ensemble_shape(self): ensemble_shape = self._potential.ensemble_shape ensemble_shape = (*ensemble_shape, len(self._potential.exit_planes)) return ensemble_shape def _out_metadata(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_metadata(waves) def _out_dtype(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_dtype(waves) def _out_meta(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_meta(waves) def _out_type(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_type(waves) def _out_ensemble_shape(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.ensemble_shape + self.detectors[index]._out_ensemble_shape( waves, index=index ) def _out_base_shape(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_base_shape(waves) def _out_base_axes_metadata(self, waves, index: bool = 0): return self.detectors[index]._out_base_axes_metadata(waves) # def _validate_ensemble_chunks(self, chunks: Chunks, limit: Union[str, int] = "auto"): # def _partition_args(self, chunks=1, lazy: bool = True): chunks = validate_chunks(self.ensemble_shape, chunks)[:-1] args = self._potential._partition_args(chunks=chunks, lazy=lazy) if len(self._potential.ensemble_shape) > 0: args = (args[0][..., None],) return args @staticmethod def _multislice_transform_member(*args, potential_partial, **kwargs): args = unpack_blockwise_args(args) potential = potential_partial(*args) potential = potential.item() multislice = MultisliceTransform(potential, **kwargs) multislice = _wrap_with_array(multislice) return multislice def _from_partitioned_args(self, *args, **kwargs): potential_partial = self._potential._from_partitioned_args() return partial( self._multislice_transform_member, potential_partial=potential_partial, detectors=self.detectors, conjugate=self.conjugate, transpose=self.transpose, multislice_func=self.multislice_func, **self._multislice_func_kwargs, ) def _calculate_new_array(self, waves): measurements = self.multislice_func( waves=waves, potential=self.potential, detectors=self.detectors, conjugate=self.conjugate, transpose=self.transpose, **self._multislice_func_kwargs, ) if self._potential.num_exit_planes == 1: index = (*((slice(None),) * (len(self.ensemble_shape) - 1)), None) else: index = () arrays = tuple(measurement.array[index] for measurement in measurements) if len(arrays) == 1: arrays = arrays[0] return arrays
# def apply(self, waves: Waves): # if "transition_potentials" in self._multislice_func_kwargs.keys(): # sites = self._multislice_func_kwargs.get("sites", None) # transition_potentials = self._multislice_func_kwargs.get( # "transition_potentials" # ) # # transition_potentials = _validate_transition_potentials( # transition_potentials # ) # # measurements = [] # for transition_potential in transition_potentials: # multislice_transform = MultisliceTransform( # potential=self.potential, # detectors=self.detectors, # multislice_func=transition_potential_multislice_and_detect, # transition_potential=transition_potential, # sites=sites, # ) # measurements.append(multislice_transform.apply(waves)) # # if len(measurements) > 1: # axis_metadata = OrdinalAxis( # label="Z, n, l", # values=[ # ",".join( # ( # str(transition_potential.metadata["Z"]), # str(transition_potential.metadata["n"]), # str(transition_potential.metadata["l"]), # ) # ) # for transition_potential in transition_potentials # ], # _tex_label="$Z, n, \ell$", # ) # # measurements = stack( # measurements, # axis_metadata, # ) # else: # measurements = measurements[0] # # return measurements # else: # return super().apply(waves)